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Exchange技术论坛 -> Exchange Server 2010 -> exchange2010sp1升级到sp3的安装过程中报错 [打印本页] 登录 -> 注册 -> 回复主题 -> 发表主题

lvshumin 2015-08-29 15:07


The following error was generated when " $error.Clear(); buildToBuildUpgrade-ExsetDataAtom -AtomName OrgCtChildren -DomainController $RoleDomainController" was run: " An error occurred with error code '3238230758' and message 'Extending the schema in Active Directory failed. Consult the error log LDIF.ERR in your Temp directory.'." .
An error occurred with error code '3238230758' and message 'Extending the schema in Active Directory failed. Consult the error log LDIF.ERR in your Temp directory.'.

flowerwaiter 2015-08-30 23:04
做过setup /pa和setup /ps吗?从报错看是活动目录拓展失败,建议重新运行pa和ps然后重启下DC看看。

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