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[发布]事件ID 12014 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2011-03-01
  • 版本:Exchange 2007
  • 事件ID:12014
  • 来源:MSExchangeTransport
  • 级别:
  • 描述:Microsoft Exchange couldn't find a certificate that contains the domain name %1 in the personal store on the local computer. Therefore, it is unable to support the STARTTLS SMTP verb for the connector %2 with a FQDN parameter of %1. If the connector's FQDN is not specified, the computer's FQDN is used. Verify the connector configuration and the installed certificates to make sure that there is a certificate with a domain name for that FQDN. If this certificate exists, run Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Services SMTP to make sure that the Microsoft Exchange Transport service has access to the certificate key.
关键词: SMTP

This Warning event indicates that there is a problem loading a certificate to be used for STARTTLS purposes. Generally, this problem occurs if one or both of the following conditions is true:
  • The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that is specified in the Warning event has been defined on a Receive connector or Send connector on a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 transport server, and no certificate is installed on the same computer that contains the FQDN in the Subject or Subject Alternative Name fields.
  • A third-party or custom certificate has been installed on the server and it contains a matching FQDN. However, the certificate is not enabled for the SMTP service.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) functionality requires that a valid certificate is installed in the computer's personal certificate store.

解决方案: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555855
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