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[发布]事件ID 4999 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2011-03-03
  • 版本:Exchange 2007,Exchange 2010
  • 事件ID:4999
  • 来源:MSExchange Common
  • 级别:
  • 描述:1、Watson report about to be sent to dw20.exe for process id: 3680, with parameters: E12, RTL-AMD64, 08.01.0311.000, edgetransport, M.E.M.EdgeAgents, M.E.M.A.RewriteHelper.IsSenderInternal, System.NullReferenceException, e689, 08.01.0311.000. ErrorReportingEnabled: True

    2、Watson report about to be sent to dw20.exe for process id: <ID>, with parameters: E12, buddy-RTL-AMD64, <version>, M.E.C.ReplayService, M.E.C.ReplayService, M.E.C.R.ReplayManager.AddScrTargetConfigurations, System.NullReferenceException, 34a5, <version>. ErrorReportingEnabled: <True/False>

    3、Watson report about to be sent to dw20.exe for process id: 436, with parameters: E12N, c-rtl-AMD64, <version>, store.exe, store.exe, 572b6, c0000005, af80, <version>. ErrorReportingEnabled: False

    4、Watson report about to be sent to dw20.exe for process id: <ID>, with parameters: E12, c-RTL-AMD64, <version>, edgetransport, M.E.Transport, M.E.T.TransportMailItem.CheckDeliveryPriority, System.InvalidOperationException, 61ca, <version>. ErrorReportingEnabled: False

    5、Watson report about to be sent to dw20.exe for process id: <ID>, with parameters: E12, c-RTL-AMD64, <version>, M.E.C.ReplayService, M.E.C.Replay, M.E.C.R.ScrReplayConfiguration.ConfigurationPathConflict, System.IndexOutOfRangeException, 63b0, <version>. ErrorReportingEnabled: True

    6、Watson report about to be sent to dw20.exe for process id: xxxx, with parameters: E12N, c-rtl-AMD64, <version>, store.exe, store.exe, 4cd994, c0000005, 74a7, <version>. ErrorReportingEnabled: False

    7、Watson report about to be sent to dw20.exe for process id: xxxx, with parameters: E12N, c-rtl-AMD64, <version>, store.exe, EXOLEDB.DLL, d0e21, c0000005, 40a5, <version>. ErrorReportingEnabled: False

    8、Watson report about to be sent to dw20.exe for process id: <ID>, with parameters: E12, c-RTL-AMD64, <version number>, edgetransport,M.E.M.EdgeAgents, M.E.M.A.StringBlock.ReadStringUnsafe, system.indexoutofrangeexception, be38, <version number>. ErrorReportingEnabled: False

    9、Watson report about to be sent for process id: 4092, with parameters: E12IIS, c-RTL-AMD64, 14.00.0639.020, OWA, mscorlib, S.S.C.SHA256Managed..ctor, System.TypeInitializationException, 7d8c, 02.00.50727.4016.
    ErrorReportingEnabled: True
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