Const strWMINameSpace = "root/MicrosoftExchangeV2"
Const strWMIInstance = "Exchange_PublicFolder"
' The DN for the public folder store of the new server, best found via WMI or ADSIEDIT
' Configuration, Services, Microsoft Exchange, Domain, Administrative Groups, Organization,
' Servers, Server, Information Store, DN
Const NEWREPLICASERVER = "cn=Public Store,cn=Storage Group,cn=InformationStore,cn=mail,cn=Servers,cn=contoso," & _
"cn=Administrative Groups,cn=contoso,cn=Microsoft Exchange,cn=Services,cn=Configuration,dc=contoso,dc=com"
strComputer = "oldmailserver"
Dim strWinMgmts
' Connection string for WMI
Dim objWMIExchange
' Exchange Namespace WMI object
Dim colPublicFolders
' ExchangeLogons collection
Dim objWMIPublicFolder
' A single ExchangeLogon WMI object
' Create the object string, indicating WMI (winmgmts), using the
' current user credentials (impersonationLevel=impersonate),
' on the computer specified in the constant strComputer, and
' using the CIM namespace for the ExchangeClusterResource provider.
strWinMgmts = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//" & strComputer & "/" & strWMINameSpace
Set objWMIExchange = GetObject(strWinMgmts)
' The Resources that currently exist appear as a list of ExchangeLogon instances in the Exchange namespace.
Set colPublicFolders = objWMIExchange.InstancesOf(strWMIInstance)
' Were any Exchange_PublicFolder Instances returned?
Wscript.Echo "Number of Public Folders returned: " & colPublicFolders.Count
If (colPublicFolders.count > 0) Then
' If yes, iterate through the list of Exchange_PublicFolder objects.
For Each objWMIPublicFolder in colPublicFolders
' Return the address book name of the public folder instance
Wscript.Echo"Address Book Name: " & objWMIPublicFolder.AddressBookName
' Check to see if the public folder instance has a replica on the new server
' If it doesn't have a replica on the new server, create a replica on the new server
If CheckReplica(objWMIPublicFolder) = TRUE Then
Wscript.Echo VBTAB & "Replica on NEWREPLICASERVER"
objWMIPublicFolder.AddReplica NEWREPLICASERVER
Wscript.Echo VBTAB & "Replica added pointing to NEWREPLICASERVER"
End If
' If no Exchange_PublicFolder instances were returned, display that.
WScript.Echo "WARNING: No Exchange_PublicFolder instances were returned."
End If
Function CheckReplica(objWMIPublicFolder)
' Create a "switch" to flip if the new server DN is in the replica list
' Loop through the replica list and compare to the DN of the new server
' If there is a match found, flip the "switch"
For Each strReplica in objWMIPublicFolder.ReplicaList
End IF
' Return the results of the check as TRUE or FALSE
CheckReplica = bolNEWREPLICASERVERCheck
End Function