使用此脚本可以通过读取文本文件中的用户别名将邮箱从Exchange 2003迁移到Exchange 2007。
# 1. Login into destination Exchange 2007 Server
# 2. Set the database name in line $TargetDatabase = "Mailbox Database" where you want to move the mailboxes
# 3. Put the list of all user's alias into c:\users.txt file
# 4. Copy this file at C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\scripts with name Move-Mailboxes.ps1
# 5. Run the cmdlet from Exchange Power Shell
# 6. Once all mailboxes moves check the file c:\MoveLog.txt file for any error during movement
$TargetDatabase = "Mailbox Database"
$SourceFile = "c:\users.txt"
$a = remove-item c:\Movelog.txt -ea SilentlyContinue
$UserList = Get-Content $SourceFile
foreach($user in $UserList)
$message = "Moving User -> " + $user
write-output $message | out-file -filePath "c:\MoveLog.txt" -append -noClobber
move-mailbox -Identity $user -TargetDatabase $TargetDatabase -BadItemLimit 5 -Confirm: $false
if($error.Count -ne 0)
$message = "User " + $user + " failed to move ???????????"
write-output $message | out-file -filePath "c:\MoveLog.txt" -append -noClobber
$message = "Error:::: " + $error[0].ToString()
write-output $message | out-file -filePath "c:\MoveLog.txt" -append -noClobber