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[求助]使用脚本找出别名中的无效字符 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2011-03-19
— 本帖被 YOYO 从 Exchange 脚本中心 移动到本区(2015-06-25) —
  • 脚本环境:PowerShell
  • 适合版本:Exchange 2007
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# ================================================
# This script allows you to identify and modify users, contact and distributions lists
# that have invalid characters in the alis.
# Last Modified 05.03.07
# Author: matbyrd@microsoft.com
# ================================================

# Input Parameters
param ([string]$type = "",$resultsize = "Unlimited",[string]$search = " ",[string]$replace = "",$add = $null,[switch]$help=$false)

# Variables

[array]$baseobjects        # Array to hold all found objects
[string]$new            # Value of the new alias
$choice                # Used to determine choice in switch commands
$command            # For holding the constructed command to execute

# Formating Variables
# Allows a Central place for defining the colors of script messages

[string]$info = "White"        # Color for informational messages
[string]$warning = "Yellow"    # Color for warning messages
[string]$error = "Red"        # Color for error messages

# ShowHelp Function (help about_function)
# ================================================

Function ShowHelp {

Write-host "This script will find objects of the specified type that contain a space in the alias"
Write-host "It will remove the space from the alias and update the object"
Write-host " "
Write-host "Both the search character and the replacement character can be changed using the advanced options"
Write-host "Advanced Options:" -foregroundcolor $warning
write-host " "
Write-host "-Type       : Used to specifiy the get- command that is run to find the objects (Mailbox,Distributiongroup,Mailcontact)"
write-host "-Resultsize : Used to specifiy a result size other than the default of `"Unlimited`""
write-host "-Search     : Used to specify the character / sting to search for"
write-host "-Replace    : Used to specify the replacement character"
write-host "-Add        : Used to provide the get- command with addtional switch options"
write-host "-Help       : Display this help message"
write-host " "
Write-host "Examples:" -foregroundcolor $info
write-host " "
Write-host "fix-alias.ps1 -type MailContact -Search `"@`" -Replace `"_`" -add `"-OrganizationalUnit 'My Ou'`""


# Function to gather and modify the alias (help about_function)
# ================================================

Function FixObject {

# Use iex (invoke-expression) to execute the cmdlet in $command (help invoke-expresion)
# Place the output in the $baseobjects array

$baseobjects = iex $getcommand

# Loop thru all of the object in the $baseobjects array (help about_foreach)
# If the alias of the object contains the search character/characters operate on the object (help about_if)
# Otherwise Do Nothing

foreach ($value in $baseobjects) {
    if ($value.alias -like "*$search*")
            # Write out that we found an object to modify
            # Use the string.replace .net method to search for and replace the character
            # http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fk49wtc1(vs.90).aspx
            # Write out the New Alias
            # Construct the Set command into a variable and execute using iex
            write-host "Found Object to Fix:" $value.alias -foregroundcolor $error
            $new = $value.alias
            $new = $new.replace($search,$replace)

            write-host "New Alias of Object:" $new -foregroundcolor $info
            write-host " "

            $setcommand = "set-" + $type + " '" + $value.identity + "' -alias $new"
            iex $setcommand
    else { }


# Main Body of Script
# ================================================

# Display help if -help specified (help about_if)

if ($help -eq $true)
    { ShowHelp;exit }
else { }

# Determine if $type is set by parameter (help about_if)
# Provide the user a list of choices if $type is not set

if ( $type.length -eq 0 )

        # Provide user with choice of objects to check
        Write-host " "
        write-host "Please Choose what objects to search for"
        write-host " "
        write-host "1 - Mailbox"
        write-host "2 - Contacts"
        Write-host "3 - Distribution Group"
        # Capture the users choice (help read-host)
        $choice = read-host "Choice (1,2,3)"

        # Using the switch command evaluate the input and set the $type variable (help about_switch)
        # If an out of bounds choice is made show the script help

        switch ($choice) {
            1 {$type = "Mailbox"}
            2 {$type = "MailContact"}
            3 {$type = "distributiongroup"}
            default {write-host " ";write-host "Incorrect options Specified: $choice" -foregroundcolor $error;ShowHelp;exit}
else { }

# Constuct the command to be executed into the $getcommand variable

$getcommand = "get-" + $type + " -resultsize $resultsize " + $add

# Call the FixObject function to fix the objects


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