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[求助]OUTLOOK 无法通过rpc over http 访问EXCHANGE 2003邮件服务器 [复制链接]

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只看该作者 10楼  发表于: 2011-06-29
OUTLOOK 无法通过rpc over http 访问EXCHANGE 2003邮件服务 ..
另外在 server上配置了一个测试帐号,运行 outlook /rpcdiag,发现链接还是TCP/IP的。估计RPC没有配好,或者证书没有做对?

只看该作者 11楼  发表于: 2011-07-04
回 8楼(knight) 的帖子

1. Name Resolution for “RpcProxyFqdn” Failed

Response from server received: 500


-- Request for https://RpcProxyFqdn/rpc/rpcproxy.dll produced HTTP Response '( The host was not found. )'


HTTP/1.1 500 ( The host was not found. )

ISA Logs:

1.  HTTP Status Code = 11001

2.  HTTP Status Code = 11002

3.  HTTP Status Code = 11004

ISA Alerts:

Published Web Server Name Not Resolvable

Description: ISA Server was unable to resolve the DNS name RpcProxyFqdn. Requests that use the Web publishing rule WebPubRuleName may be denied, or the response time may be slower than expected.

RPC Proxy (IIS) Logs:

Not relevant, since ISA never connected to it.

Problem Resolution:

1.       Make sure that:

a.       “RpcProxyFqdn” in the relevant web publishing rule To tab is correct

b.      DNS or WINS server (or hosts file if necessary) used by the ISA has the correct records

2.       This is typically an intermittent failure.  If this occurs repeatedly, you need to troubleshoot your DNS or WINS server

3.       This indicates a name record problem on the DNS server

只看该作者 12楼  发表于: 2011-07-04
回 11楼(opop) 的帖子

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