(2012-03-14 11:09) 
这种情况可以尝试手动删除Exchange 2007,具体步骤如下:
1.) Stop All Exchange Services.
2.) You will need to remove the following registry keys:
Under HKEY_LOCAL_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet delete the following:
All MSExchange* keys
Delete the HKEY_LOCAL_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Exchange Key
3.) Delete All Exchange Binaries, by default the binaries are installed here:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server
Note: Please make a copy of any Exchange Databases and logs if necessary and copy
the queue directory (default: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange
Server\TransportRoles\data\*) (need to verify)
All Database directories should also be deleted (or moved to a safe location) these
could be located on other drives.
4.) Remove and reinstall the Internet Information Services (IIS).
5.) Remove Exchange 2007 configuration server object in Active Directory.
Using ADSIedit locate the server Object: CN=Configuration, DC= Domain_Name
CN=Services, CN=Microsoft Exchange, CN= <Organization_Name>, CN=Administrative
Groups, CN= Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT), CN=Servers, CN=<Server
6.) Remove the server’s machine account from all Exchange groups: Exchange Servers
and Exchange Install Domain Servers.
7.) Remove the Exchange Organization Group from the local machine’s Administrator
8.) Right Click on the Exchangeserver.msi file and select uninstall.