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[求助]Exchange 2007怎样设置合理的内存大小 [复制链接]

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只看该作者 10楼  发表于: 2012-06-21
回 9楼(system_linux) 的帖子
system_linux:opop 啊 、 还是不行。 现在只能做任务计划每天夜里重启Microsoft Exchange Information Store。内存才不会报警,我的com+服务才能使用, 这也不是长久之计啊, 还能有啥办法 ?(2012-06-21 13:27)嬀/color]


只看该作者 11楼  发表于: 2012-06-25

只看该作者 12楼  发表于: 2012-06-26
回 11楼(system_linux) 的帖子
system_linux:[图片](2012-06-25 10:00)嬀/color]



只看该作者 13楼  发表于: 2012-06-26
回 12楼(opop) 的帖子
建议把这个max再调小点到20G试试看 (2012-06-26 15:10) 

嗯、 我做的任务计划每天夜里1点重启服务, 但是时间久了,怕出现问题。  我在调小点内存试试看看。  谢谢您
只看该作者 14楼  发表于: 2012-07-03
migrate to a working mailbox server would be the best solution for you.

只看该作者 15楼  发表于: 2012-07-03
回 14楼(wilsonhoe) 的帖子
wilsonhoe:migrate to a working mailbox server would be the best solution for you.  (2012-07-03 09:34) 

从Exchange2007迁移到Exchange2010? 使用windows server2008R2是一个很好的解决方案?
关键是邮件刚升级到Exchange2007, 我们还有巨大的公用文件夹数据库以及邮箱数据库。 还有我们现在这边技术没有太多接触Exchange2010的、 ?  还有好的解决方法吗?谢谢
只看该作者 16楼  发表于: 2012-07-03
i mean migrate to a working mailbox server in Exchange 2007, not to migrate to higer version.
if you not comfortable with it, then you can also Install SCC, and try to failover to another node.

只看该作者 17楼  发表于: 2012-07-09
回 16楼(wilsonhoe) 的帖子
wilsonhoe:i mean migrate to a working mailbox server in Exchange 2007, not to migrate to higer version.
if you not comfortable with it, then you can also Install SCC, and try to failover to another node. (2012-07-03 14:08) 

Migrate mailboxes to solve the problem? Also not use a store service
只看该作者 18楼  发表于: 2012-07-10
Migrating mailbox to a working store service exchange server. another way is just create a new
cluster mailbox server , you can failover to it and repair your existing mailbox server. Thus it
would be seemless for end user.

只看该作者 19楼  发表于: 2012-07-10
回 18楼(wilsonhoe) 的帖子
wilsonhoe:Migrating mailbox to a working store service exchange server. another way is just create a new
cluster mailbox server , you can failover to it and repair your existing mailbox server. Thus it
would be seemless for end user.  (2012-07-10 10:13) 

Microsoft Exchange Information Store service restart a day do you have any impact? Time will fail, I have two servers do now is SCR
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