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[求助]exchange 2003 迁移到  exchange 2010 时出错 [复制链接]

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只看该作者 10楼  发表于: 2012-07-13
回 9楼(washineton) 的帖子
(2012-07-12 14:51)嬀/color]

没有找到这个用户就说明setup /prepareAD没有成功完成。

建议再run一遍setup /prepareAD并把结果截屏贴出来看看。

只看该作者 11楼  发表于: 2012-07-14
回 10楼(opop) 的帖子
opop:没有找到这个用户就说明setup /prepareAD没有成功完成。
建议再run一遍setup /prepareAD并把结果截屏贴出来看看。
....... (2012-07-13 15:54) 

谢谢您的回复,您回复的也很及时,只不过我这边确实在时间上比较紧张,您看能不能留个方便点的联系方式,我可能直接向您请教,如果不方便直接在论坛里面透露的话,请放送到这个邮箱washineton@163.com,或者加我QQ 17741493 并备注信息  exchange 2010,谢谢!
只看该作者 12楼  发表于: 2012-07-14
# ExchangeOrganization 的默认 Install 步骤。
# 在 2012/7/14 10:17:50 上以编程方式生成。

# 变量声明
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation = "<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://domains.live.com/service/managedelegation.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>"
$RoleIndustry = "Other"
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveServiceLogin2 = "<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://login.live.com/RST2.srf</Url></ServiceEndpoint>"
$RoleCustomerFeedbackEnabled = $null
$RoleDomainController = "OSA-DC.osavip.com"
$RoleIsDatacenter = $False
$RoleOrgConfigVersion = "12640"
$RoleInvocationID = "20120714-1017500107446958618"
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveRmsPublishingService = "<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://licensing.drm.microsoft.com/licensing/publish.asmx</Url><CertificateSubjectName>TO BE FILLED IN </CertificateSubjectName></ServiceEndpoint>"
$RolePrepareLegacyExchangePermissions = $False
$RolePrepareOrganization = $True
$RoleInstallationMode = "BuildToBuildUpgrade"
$RoleOrganizationName = "第一个组织"
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveRmsCertificationService = "<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://licensing.drm.microsoft.com/licensing/licensing.asmx</Url><CertificateSubjectName>TO BE FILLED IN </CertificateSubjectName></ServiceEndpoint>"
$RoleBinPath = "C:\Windows\Temp\ExchangeSetup"
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointRmsPremiseAuthenticationCertificate = "<ServiceEndpoint><CertificateSubjectName>CN=exchangelabs.live-int.com, OU=Exchange, O=Microsoft, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US</CertificateSubjectName></ServiceEndpoint>"
$RolePrepareAllDomains = $False
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveRmsLicensingService = "<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://certification.drm.microsoft.com/certification/certification.asmx</Url><CertificateSubjectName>TO BE FILLED IN </CertificateSubjectName></ServiceEndpoint>"
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveGetUserRealm = "<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://login.live.com/GetUserRealm.srf</Url></ServiceEndpoint>"
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveFederationMetadata = "<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://nexus.passport.com/FederationMetadata/2006-12/FederationMetadata.xml</Url></ServiceEndpoint>"
$RoleFullyQualifiedDomainName = "osavip.com"
$RoleProductPlatform = "amd64"
$RolePrepareSchema = $False
$RolePrepareDomain = $True
$RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointABCHContactService = "<ServiceEndpoint><Url>http://pvt-contacts.msn.com/abservice/abservice.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>"

# 组件任务

#“Common Global AD Configuration”组件的任务
# [ID = fe007758, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:50:if ((Get-OrganizationConfig).ObjectVersion -lt 10649) { Get-OfflineAddressBook | foreach { if ((Get-ExchangeServer $_.Server.ObjectGuid.ToString()).IsExchange2007OrLater) { $_ | Set-OfflineAddressBook -DiffRetentionPeriod:30 } } } if ((Get-OrganizationConfig).ObjectVersion -lt 12424) { Get-OfflineAddressBook | foreach { if ((Get-ExchangeServer $_.Server.ObjectGuid.ToString()).IsExchange2007OrLater) { $_ | Set-OfflineAddressBook -UseDefaultAttributes -MaxBinaryPropertySize:32768 -MaxMultivaluedBinaryPropertySize:65536 -MaxStringPropertySize:3400 -MaxMultivaluedStringPropertySize:65536 } } }
# [ID = e17c8d34, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:50:buildToBuildUpgrade-ExsetDataAtom -AtomName OrgLevelCt -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 1ce902f4, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:51:install-RootOrganizationContainer -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 5eef978d, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:51:Install-Container "ServiceEndpoints"
# [ID = bd5d3e68, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:51:Get-Variable RoleDatacenterServiceEndpoint* | foreach { Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Adding endpoint from variable " + $_.Name); $epName = $_.Name.Substring("RoleDatacenterServiceEndpoint".Length); $epXml = [xml]$_.Value; $epUrl = $epXml.ServiceEndpoint.Url; $epCert = $epXml.ServiceEndpoint.CertificateSubjectName; Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Calling New-ServiceEndPoint for endpoint $epName with URL $epUrl and certificate subject $epCert"); New-ServiceEndpoint -Name $epName -Url $epUrl -CertificateSubjectName $epCert -DomainController $RoleDomainController; }
# [ID = 76b5193a, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建自动发现容器。"
2012/7/14 10:17:51:Install-AutoDiscoverContainer -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 198f6454, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:51:if ($RoleCustomerFeedbackEnabled -ne $null) { Set-OrganizationConfig -CustomerFeedbackEnabled $RoleCustomerFeedbackEnabled; }
# [ID = 85b9f72e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:51:Set-OrganizationConfig -Industry $RoleIndustry;
# [ID = c84a007e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:if ($RoleIsDatacenter -eq $true) { install-ConfigurationUnitsContainer -DomainController $RoleDomainController }
# [ID = 5bc37cce, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-Container -Name:"Provisioning Policy Container" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = e222733e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-Container -Name:"Provisioning Policy Container","Template" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 10e2cdbe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-Container -Name:"Provisioning Policy Container","Enforcement" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = fbdd6bd0, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:$policy = Get-RecipientEnforcementProvisioningPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController; if ($policy -ne $null -and (($policy.Name -ne "Recipient Quota Policy") -or (-not $policy.TargetObjects.Contains("SyncMailbox")))) { $r3_dlQuota = $policy.R3_Deprecated_DLCountQuota; $dlQuota = $policy.DistributionListCountQuota; if ($dlQuota.IsUnlimited -and -not $r3_dlQuota.IsUnlimited) { $dlQuota = $r3_dlQuota; } $mbQuota = $policy.MailboxCountQuota; $muQuota = $policy.MailUserCountQuota; $mcQuota = $policy.ContactCountQuota; Remove-RecipientEnforcementProvisioningPolicy -Identity $policy.Identity -Confirm:$false -DomainController $RoleDomainController; $newPolicy = New-RecipientEnforcementProvisioningPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController; Set-RecipientEnforcementProvisioningPolicy -Identity $newPolicy.Identity -R3_Deprecated_DLCountQuota $r3_dlQuota -DistributionListCountQuota $dlQuota -MailboxCountQuota $mbQuota -MailUserCountQuota $muQuota -ContactCountQuota $mcQuota -DomainController $RoleDomainController; }
# [ID = aaeb50f2, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-Container -Name:"Address Lists Container" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 5fd54056, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-Container -Name:"Address Lists Container","Offline Address Lists" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 67d50d1e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-CannedAddressLists -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = b0ec19e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-GlobalAddressLists -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 12bfdbfe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为管理角色对象创建容器。"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-Container -Name:"RBAC" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 708bdb5e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为 Exchange 角色创建容器。"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-Container -Name:"RBAC","Roles" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 463accf8, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为 Exchange 作用域创建容器。"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-Container -Name:"RBAC","Scopes" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = aa71076, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为 Exchange 角色分配创建容器"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-Container -Name:"RBAC","Role Assignments" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = f9016c2, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建 Exchange 角色策略的容器。"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-Container -Name:"RBAC","Policies" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 4c51328, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建传输设置容器。"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-TransportConfigContainer -Name:"Transport Settings" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = fbe0742, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建接受域容器。"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-Container -Name:"Transport Settings","Accepted Domains" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 2f0220d4, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-DefaultAcceptedDomain -Name $RoleFullyQualifiedDomainName -DomainName $RoleFullyQualifiedDomainName -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = d77911de, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建默认电子邮件地址策略对象。"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:install-EmailAddressPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = d78a581e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:$acceptedDomains = @{}; Get-AcceptedDomain | foreach { $domainName = $_.DomainName.ToString(); if ($acceptedDomains.Contains($domainName)) { Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning "Duplicate AcceptedDomain found. '$($acceptedDomains[$domainName])' and '$($_.Name)' both reference domain '$domainName'"; } else { $acceptedDomains.Add($domainName, $_.Name); }; }; function getSmtpTemplates ([string]$property) { $input | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $property | Where-Object {$_.PrefixString -eq "SMTP"} | Foreach-Object {$_.AddressTemplateString -replace ".*@", ""}; } function addDomains ([Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.AcceptedDomainType]$domainType) { $domain = $null; $input | Where-Object {-not $acceptedDomains.ContainsKey($_)} | Where-Object {[Microsoft.Exchange.Data.SmtpDomainWithSubdomains]::TryParse($_, [ref] $domain)} | Foreach-Object { $name = $domain.ToString(); if ($name.Length -gt 64) { $name = $name.Substring(0, 64) }; if ($acceptedDomains.ContainsValue($name) ) {$name = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()}; new-AcceptedDomain -Name:$name -DomainName:$domain -DomainType:$domainType; $acceptedDomains[$domain.ToString()] = $name; }; } $emailAddressPolicies = Get-EmailAddressPolicy; $emailAddressPolicies | getSmtpTemplates "NonAuthoritativeDomains" | addDomains "InternalRelay"; $emailAddressPolicies | getSmtpTemplates "EnabledEmailAddressTemplates" | addDomains "Authoritative";
# [ID = ae1b4cbe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:52:Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "Set the default Accepted domain from the default recipient policy"; $defaultEmailAddressPolicy = get-EmailAddressPolicy -Identity:"Default Policy"; $defaultSmtpTemplate = $defaultEmailAddressPolicy.EnabledPrimarySMTPAddressTemplate; $index = $defaultSmtpTemplate.IndexOf("@"); $eapAuthoritativeDomain = $defaultSmtpTemplate.Substring($index+1); $defaultDomain = get-accepteddomain | where {$_.DomainName -eq $eapAuthoritativeDomain }; $defaultDomain | set-accepteddomain -MakeDefault:$true; Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "Default domain $defaultDomain";
# [ID = f387f784, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:53:Install-Container -Name:"Connections" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 2d02627e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:53:New-ExchangeAssistanceConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 68548c32, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建全局设置容器。"
2012/7/14 10:17:53:Install-GlobalSettingsContainer -Name:"Global Settings" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 92082d7e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建邮件 DeliveryContainer。"
2012/7/14 10:17:53:Install-MessageDeliveryContainer -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 4e7531b2, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建默认邮件筛选器容器。"
2012/7/14 10:17:53:Install-DefaultMessageFilterContainer -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 81765bfe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建默认连接筛选器容器。"
2012/7/14 10:17:53:Install-DefaultConnectionFilterContainer -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = b14c69ca, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在安装默认的 Internet 邮件格式。"
2012/7/14 10:17:53:Install-InternetMessageFormat -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 13547f7b, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:17:53:buildToBuildUpgrade-ExsetDataAtom -AtomName OrgCtChildren -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 7920e70d, Wt = 5, isFatal = True] "正在创建全局 Exchange USG。"
2012/7/14 10:18:33:initialize-ExchangeUniversalGroups -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = d2f246de, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建管理组容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:34:Install-AdministrativeGroupContainer -Name:"Administrative Groups" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = ab3e4b4a, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在配置 Exchange 管理组。"
2012/7/14 10:18:34:install-AdministrativeGroup -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = d0e2d7f4, Wt = 5, isFatal = True] "正在配置 Exchange 配置容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:34:initialize-ExchangeConfigurationPermissions -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 525f6cbe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在设置 Administrators 组的权限。"
2012/7/14 10:18:34:initialize-AdminGroupPermissions -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 28d31d92, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:18:34:New-MicrosoftExchangeRecipient -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 61d85b88, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:18:34:$tc=Get-TransportConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController; if (!$tc.SupervisionTags.Contains("Allow")) { $tc.SupervisionTags.Add("Allow"); } if (!$tc.SupervisionTags.Contains("Reject")) { $tc.SupervisionTags.Add("Reject"); } Set-TransportConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController -SupervisionTags $tc.SupervisionTags;
# [ID = fb821a4c, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建内置的 Exchange 角色"
2012/7/14 10:18:34:Install-CannedRbacRoles -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 24dda20, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建内置的 Exchange 角色分配。"
2012/7/14 10:18:53:Install-CannedRbacRoleAssignments -InvocationMode $RoleInstallationMode -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 43a63f72, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建 CmdletExtensionAgent 设置容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:54:install-Container -Name:"Global Settings","CmdletExtensionAgent Settings" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = c8a7bdd2, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为联合身份验证信任创建容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:54:Install-Container -Name "Federation Trusts" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 8f2a1114, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建联合身份验证容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:54:Install-FederationContainer -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 8ecad8fe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建默认共享策略。"
2012/7/14 10:18:54:Install-DefaultSharingPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = c54116be, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建默认限制策略。"
2012/7/14 10:18:54:$policy = Get-ThrottlingPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController | ? {$_.IsDefault }; if ($policy -ne $null) { $policy | Upgrade-ThrottlingPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController; } else { Install-DefaultThrottlingPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController; }
# [ID = ee9b8064, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在配置邮件提示。"
2012/7/14 10:18:54:Set-OrganizationConfig -MailTipsAllTipsEnabled $true; Set-OrganizationConfig -MailTipsGroupMetricsEnabled $true; Set-OrganizationConfig -MailTipsMailboxSourcedTipsEnabled $true; Set-OrganizationConfig -MailTipsLargeAudienceThreshold 25
# [ID = 3d4816fe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在启用自我管理权限。"
2012/7/14 10:18:54:$policyName = [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.RoleAssignmentPolicy]::DefaultRoleAssignmentPolicyName; $p = get-RoleAssignmentPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController; if($p -eq $null) { $policyDescription = [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.RoleAssignmentPolicy]::PrecannedRoleAssignmentPolicyDescription; $p = new-RoleAssignmentPolicy -IsDefault -name $policyName -DomainController $RoleDomainController -Description $policyDescription; $selfManagementRoles = @(); $selfManagementRoles+= Get-ManagementRole -RoleType MyBaseOptions -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.IsRootRole}; $selfManagementRoles+= Get-ManagementRole -RoleType MyContactInformation -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.IsRootRole}; $selfManagementRoles+= Get-ManagementRole -RoleType MyVoiceMail -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.IsRootRole}; $selfManagementRoles+= Get-ManagementRole -RoleType MyTextMessaging -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.IsRootRole}; $selfManagementRoles+= Get-ManagementRole -RoleType MyDistributionGroupMembership -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.IsRootRole}; $selfManagementRoles=$selfManagementRoles | where {$_ -ne $null}; foreach($role in $selfManagementRoles) { New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Policy $p.Identity -Role $role.Name -DomainController $RoleDomainController; } }
# [ID = b1f12210, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在安装 AdminAuditLogConfig 对象。"
2012/7/14 10:18:54:Install-AdminAuditLogConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController; $adminAuditLogConfig = Get-AdminAuditLogConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController; if ($adminAuditLogConfig.AdminAuditLogCmdlets -eq $null -or ($adminAuditLogConfig.AdminAuditLogCmdlets.Count -eq 0 -and $adminAuditLogConfig.AdminAuditLogParameters.Count -eq 0)) { Set-AdminAuditLogConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController -AdminAuditLogCmdlets * -AdminAuditLogParameters *; }
# [ID = 5a34907e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:18:54:install-Container -Name:"Remote Accounts Policies Container" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = f8d6b60a, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在注册 CmdletExtension 代理。"
2012/7/14 10:18:54:$assembly = "Microsoft.Exchange.ProvisioningAgent.dll"; $installedAgents = Get-CmdletExtensionAgent -DomainController $RoleDomainController; $classFactory = "Microsoft.Exchange.ProvisioningAgent.AdminLogAgentClassFactory"; if($null -eq ($installedAgents | where {$_.ClassFactory -ieq $classFactory})) { New-CmdletExtensionAgent -Name "Admin Audit Log Agent" -ClassFactory $classFactory -Assembly $assembly -Priority 255 -DomainController $RoleDomainController; } $classFactory = "Microsoft.Exchange.ProvisioningAgent.ScriptingAgentClassFactory"; if($null -eq ($installedAgents | where {$_.ClassFactory -ieq $classFactory})) { New-CmdletExtensionAgent -Name "Scripting Agent" -ClassFactory $classFactory -Assembly $assembly -Enabled:$false -DomainController $RoleDomainController; } $h = new-object System.Collections.Hashtable; $h.Add("Rus Agent", "Microsoft.Exchange.ProvisioningAgent.RusAgentClassFactory"); $h.Add("Mailbox Resources Management Agent", "Microsoft.Exchange.ProvisioningAgent.MailboxResourcesManagementAgentClassFactory"); $h.Add("OAB Resources Management Agent", "Microsoft.Exchange.ProvisioningAgent.OABResourcesManagementAgentClassFactory"); $h.Add("Provisioning Policy Agent", "Microsoft.Exchange.ProvisioningAgent.ProvisioningPolicyAgentClassFactory"); $h.Add("Query Base DN Agent", "Microsoft.Exchange.ProvisioningAgent.QueryBaseDNRestrictionAgentClassFactory"); $h.Keys | foreach { $name = $_; $classFactory = $h[$_]; if($null -eq ($installedAgents | where {$_.ClassFactory -ieq $classFactory})) { New-CmdletExtensionAgent -Name $name -ClassFactory $classFactory -Assembly $assembly -DomainController $RoleDomainController; } }
# [ID = f0c73e5e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:18:54:$arbMbxname = "SystemMailbox{1f05a927-" + [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString().Substring(9) + "}"; $arbMbxLastName = "MSExchApproval 1f05a927-3be2-4fb9-aa03-b59fe3b56f4c"; $arbUser = @(Get-User -Filter {LastName -eq $arbMbxLastName} -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize 1); if ($arbUser.Length -eq 0) { $arbUser = @(Get-User -Arbitration -Filter {LastName -eq $arbMbxLastName} -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize 1); } if ($arbUser.Length -eq 0) { Install-UserAccount -Name $arbMbxname -LastName $arbMbxLastName; }
# [ID = 8cb0c07e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:18:55:$arbMbxname = "SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29-89c3-4034-b678-e6c29d823ed9}"; $arbMbxLastName = "MsExchDiscovery e0dc1c29-89c3-4034-b678-e6c29d823ed9"; $arbUser = @(Get-User -Filter {LastName -eq $arbMbxLastName} -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize 1); if ($arbUser.Length -eq 0) { $arbUser = @(Get-User -Arbitration -Filter {LastName -eq $arbMbxLastName} -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize 1); } if ($arbUser.Length -eq 0) { Install-UserAccount -Name $arbMbxname -LastName $arbMbxLastName; }
# [ID = ac596d3e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:18:55:$arbMbxname = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailbox]::DiscoveryMailboxUniqueName; $arbMbxLastName = "MsExchDiscoveryMailbox D919BA05-46A6-415f-80AD-7E09334BB852"; $arbUser = @(Get-User -Filter {LastName -eq $arbMbxLastName} -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize 1); if ($arbUser.Length -eq 0) { Install-UserAccount -Name $arbMbxname -LastName $arbMbxLastName; }
# [ID = e448df1e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:18:55:$federatedMailboxId = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Deployment.UpdateRmsSharedIdentity]::SharedIdentityCommonName; $federatedEmailUsers = @(Get-User -Filter {LastName -eq $federatedMailboxId} -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize 1); if ($federatedEmailUsers.Length -eq 0) { $federatedEmailUsers = @(Get-User -Arbitration -Filter {LastName -eq $federatedMailboxId} -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize 1); } if ($federatedEmailUsers.Length -eq 0) { Install-UserAccount -Name $federatedMailboxId -LastName $federatedMailboxId; }
# [ID = 28ba89e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:18:55:New-ServiceConnectionPoint -Name "Microsoft Exchange Online" -TrustedHoster -TrustedHostnames "*.outlook.com" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 78b70254, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在 Active Directory 中创建 Exchange 配置对象"
2012/7/14 10:18:55:New-ServiceConnectionPoint -Name "Windows Live Calendar" -DomainToApplicationUri -Domains "hotmail.com","msn.com","live.com" -ApplicationUri "http://calendar.live.com" -DomainController $RoleDomainController

#“Transport Global AD Configuration”组件的任务
# [ID = 9e34717e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建 DSN 自定义容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:55:install-Container -Name:"Transport Settings","DSN Customization" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 451977e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在配置邮件分类容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:55:install-Container -Name:"Transport Settings","Message Classifications" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 7d55abfe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建默认邮件分类容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:55:install-Container -Name:"Transport Settings","Message Classifications","Default" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 3d2f8f3e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "安装程序正在配置系统邮件分类。"
2012/7/14 10:18:55:install-SystemMessageClassification -Name:"Transport Settings","Message Classifications" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 4bcb77e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "安装程序正在创建规则容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:55:install-Container -Name:"Transport Settings","Rules" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 5daf1b7e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建邮件清洁容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:55:install-Container -Name:"Transport Settings","Message Hygiene" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 863145a, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建发件人信誉对象。"
2012/7/14 10:18:55:new-SenderReputationConfig -Name:"Transport Settings","Message Hygiene","Sender Reputation" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 23bd407e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为支持的 DSN 语言创建容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:55:foreach ($lcid in (get-DsnSupportedLanguages)) { $lcidStr = $lcid.ToString("", [System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo].InvariantInfo); install-Container -Name:"Transport Settings","DSN Customization",$lcidStr -DomainController $RoleDomainController; install-Container -Name:"Transport Settings","DSN Customization",$lcidStr,"Internal" -DomainController $RoleDomainController; install-Container -Name:"Transport Settings","DSN Customization",$lcidStr,"External" -DomainController $RoleDomainController; }
# [ID = 2845d40a, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在配置反垃圾邮件对象。"
2012/7/14 10:18:56:install-ContentFilterConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 5ff880de, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在配置反垃圾邮件对象。"
2012/7/14 10:18:56:install-SenderIDConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = b3af07fe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在配置反垃圾邮件对象。"
2012/7/14 10:18:56:install-SenderFilterConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = bdccbe1e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在配置反垃圾邮件对象。"
2012/7/14 10:18:56:install-RecipientFilterConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 593fbf08, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在配置反垃圾邮件对象。"
2012/7/14 10:18:56:install-IPAllowListConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = ea26b9e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在配置反垃圾邮件对象。"
2012/7/14 10:18:56:install-IPAllowListProvidersConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = a99239a8, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在配置反垃圾邮件对象。"
2012/7/14 10:18:56:install-IPBlockListConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = ec6c01de, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在配置反垃圾邮件对象。"
2012/7/14 10:18:56:install-IPBlockListProvidersConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController

#“Bridgehead Global AD Configuration”组件的任务
# [ID = 844aedde, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建传输规则集合。"
2012/7/14 10:18:56:install-RuleCollection -Name:"Transport" -DomainController $RoleDomainController; install-RuleCollection -Name:"TransportVersioned" -DomainController $RoleDomainController;
# [ID = 6e087cbe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建日志规则集合。"
2012/7/14 10:18:56:install-RuleCollection -Name:"Journaling" -DomainController $RoleDomainController; install-RuleCollection -Name:"JournalingVersioned" -DomainController $RoleDomainController;
# [ID = 8f1a92ba, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在升级规则集合。"
2012/7/14 10:18:56:$a = get-transportrule; if ($a -eq $null) { $rulefile = export-transportrulecollection -ExportLegacyRules -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue; } else { $rulefile = export-transportrulecollection; } if ($rulefile -ne $null) { import-transportrulecollection -FileData $rulefile.FileData; } $a = get-journalrule; if ($a -eq $null) { $rulefile = export-journalrulecollection -ExportLegacyRules -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue; } else { $rulefile = export-journalrulecollection; } if ($rulefile -ne $null) { import-journalrulecollection -FileData $rulefile.FileData; }
# [ID = 5931f55e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建 Outlook 保护规则容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-RuleCollection -Name:"OutlookProtectionRules" -DomainController $RoleDomainController;
# [ID = 2a60599e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建信息权限管理(IRM)配置容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-IRMConfiguration -Name:"Transport Settings","ControlPoint Config" -DomainController $RoleDomainController;
# [ID = a913191a, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建 UCE 内容筛选器对象。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:Install-UceContentFilterConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController;

#“Client Access Global AD Configuration”组件的任务
# [ID = f8a4a814, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建客户端访问容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-Container -Name:"Client Access" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = df69b5e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建自动发现容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-Container -Name:"Client Access","AutoDiscover" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = b792a83e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建 Outlook 容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-Container -Name:"Client Access","AutoDiscover","Outlook" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = d887277e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建 Exchange MIME 类型。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:initialize-ExchangeMimeTypes
# [ID = 60e6f05e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为 Outlook Web App 邮箱策略创建容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-Container -Name "OWA Mailbox Policies" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = f0344cbe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建默认 Outlook Web App 邮箱策略。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:$policyDefault = Get-OwaMailboxPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.Identity -eq "Default"}; if($policyDefault -eq $null) { New-OwaMailboxPolicy -Name "Default" -DomainController $RoleDomainController }

#“Mailbox Global AD Configuration”组件的任务
# [ID = ccd8c77e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-Container -Name "ELC Mailbox Policies" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = ce26135e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-Container -Name "Retention Policies Container" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 9c2eb902, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-Container -Name "UM Mailbox Policies" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 35566b72, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-Container -Name "Mobile Mailbox Policies" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = a0d83e5e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-ResourceConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = ca740abe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-container -Name "Retention Policy Tag Container" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 6bdb01be, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-container -Name "ELC Folders Container"-DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 350d3d9e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局托管文件夹。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ManagedDefaultFolder -Name "Calendar" -FolderType Calendar -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 680764de, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局托管文件夹。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ManagedDefaultFolder -Name "Contacts" -FolderType Contacts -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 836e3210, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局托管文件夹。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ManagedDefaultFolder -Name "Deleted Items" -FolderType DeletedItems -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 7078a41e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局托管文件夹。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ManagedDefaultFolder -Name "Drafts" -FolderType Drafts -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 188b46fe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局托管文件夹。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ManagedDefaultFolder -Name "Inbox" -FolderType Inbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 8ec1fb7e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局托管文件夹。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ManagedDefaultFolder -Name "Junk E-mail" -FolderType JunkEmail -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 7a26e9be, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局托管文件夹。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ManagedDefaultFolder -Name "Journal" -FolderType Journal -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 197657be, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局托管文件夹。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ManagedDefaultFolder -Name "Notes" -FolderType Notes -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 64b2099e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局托管文件夹。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ManagedDefaultFolder -Name "Outbox" -FolderType Outbox -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = f56954f0, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局托管文件夹。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ManagedDefaultFolder -Name "Sent Items" -FolderType SentItems -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 4925207e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局托管文件夹。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ManagedDefaultFolder -Name "Tasks" -FolderType Tasks -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 29a45998, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局托管文件夹。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ManagedDefaultFolder -Name "Entire Mailbox" -FolderType All -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 39659ef6, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局托管文件夹。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ManagedDefaultFolder -Name "RSS Feeds" -FolderType RssSubscriptions -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = d0765750, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为邮箱服务器角色创建全局托管文件夹。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ManagedDefaultFolder -Name "Sync Issues" -FolderType SyncIssues -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 5aefb69e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为组自服务审批应用程序创建保留策略标记。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:$autoGroupRPT = @(Get-RetentionPolicyTag -IncludeSystemTags -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.Name -eq 'AutoGroup'}); if ($autoGroupRPT.length -eq 0) { new-RetentionPolicyTag -Name AutoGroup -Type Personal -SystemTag:$true -RetentionEnabled:$true -RetentionAction DeleteAndAllowRecovery -AgeLimitForRetention 30 -MessageClass * -DomainController $RoleDomainController; }
# [ID = 19d22838, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "已为中继收件人审批创建保留策略标记。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:$moderatedRPT = @(Get-RetentionPolicyTag -IncludeSystemTags -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.Name -eq 'ModeratedRecipients'}); if ($moderatedRPT.length -eq 0) { new-RetentionPolicyTag -Name ModeratedRecipients -Type Personal -SystemTag:$true -RetentionEnabled:$true -RetentionAction DeleteAndAllowRecovery -AgeLimitForRetention 5 -MessageClass * -DomainController $RoleDomainController; }
# [ID = ebf94ed6, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为存档邮箱创建保留策略。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:$rptNames = 'Personal 1 Year move to archive', 'Default 2 year move to archive', 'Personal 5 year move to archive', 'Personal never move to archive'; $rptTypes = 'Personal', 'All', 'Personal', 'Personal'; $rptMCs = '*', 'IPM.Note', '*', '*'; $rptAges = '365', '730', '1825', '0'; for($i=0; $i -lt $rptNames.Length; $i++) { $moderatedRPT = @(Get-RetentionPolicyTag -IncludeSystemTags -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.Name -eq $rptNames[$i]}); if ( $moderatedRPT.length -eq 0 ) { if( $i -ne $rptNames.Length-1 ) { new-RetentionPolicyTag -Name $rptNames[$i] -Type $rptTypes[$i] -SystemTag:$true -RetentionEnabled:$true -RetentionAction MoveToArchive -AgeLimitForRetention $rptAges[$i] -MessageClass $rptMCs[$i] -DomainController $RoleDomainController; } else { new-RetentionPolicyTag -Name $rptNames[$i] -Type $rptTypes[$i] -SystemTag:$true -RetentionEnabled:$false -RetentionAction MoveToArchive -MessageClass $rptMCs[$i] -DomainController $RoleDomainController; } } } $policyName = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailbox]::DefaultArchivePolicyName; $defaultArchivePolicy = @(Get-RetentionPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.Name -eq $policyName}); if ($defaultArchivePolicy.length -eq 0) { new-RetentionPolicy -Name $policyName -RetentionPolicyTagLinks $rptNames[0],$rptNames[1],$rptNames[2],$rptNames[3] -DomainController $RoleDomainController; }
# [ID = a52f873e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为仲裁邮箱创建保留策略。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:$arbitrationRetentionPolicy = @(Get-RetentionPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.Name -eq 'ArbitrationMailbox'}); if ($arbitrationRetentionPolicy.length -eq 0) { $moderatedRPT = @(Get-RetentionPolicyTag -IncludeSystemTags -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.Name -eq 'ModeratedRecipients'}); $autoGroupRPT = @(Get-RetentionPolicyTag -IncludeSystemTags -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.Name -eq 'AutoGroup'}); new-RetentionPolicy -Name ArbitrationMailbox -RetentionPolicyTagLinks $moderatedRPT[0].Identity,$autoGroupRPT[0].Identity -DomainController $RoleDomainController; }
# [ID = c93d43be, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建审批应用程序容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:new-ApprovalApplicationContainer -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = cfc0d1fe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建组自服务审批应用程序。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:$rpt = @(Get-RetentionPolicyTag -IncludeSystemTags -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.Name -eq 'AutoGroup'}); new-ApprovalApplication -AutoGroup -ELCRetentionPolicyTag $rpt[0].Identity -DomainController $RoleDomainController;
# [ID = 7ba933e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在创建中继收件人审批应用程序。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:$rpt = @(Get-RetentionPolicyTag -IncludeSystemTags -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.Name -eq 'ModeratedRecipients'}); new-ApprovalApplication -ModeratedRecipients -ELCRetentionPolicyTag $rpt[0].Identity -DomainController $RoleDomainController;

#“Unified Messaging Global AD Configuration”组件的任务
# [ID = 12c995fe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为统一消息服务器角色创建全局容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-Container -Name "UM DialPlan Container" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = 8f547abe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为统一消息服务器角色创建全局容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-Container -Name "UM IPGateway Container" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
# [ID = d0b466fe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在为统一消息服务器角色创建全局容器。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:install-Container -Name "UM AutoAttendant Container" -DomainController $RoleDomainController

#“Domain-specific AD Configuration”组件的任务
# [ID = d263b8ba, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在配置 Exchange 的域。"
2012/7/14 10:18:57:if ($RolePrepareAllDomains) { initialize-DomainPermissions -AllDomains:$true -CreateTenantRoot:$RoleIsDatacenter; } elseif ($RoleDomain -ne $null) { initialize-DomainPermissions -Domain $RoleDomain -CreateTenantRoot:$RoleIsDatacenter; } else { initialize-DomainPermissions -CreateTenantRoot:$RoleIsDatacenter; }

#“PostPrepForest Global AD Configuration”组件的任务
# [ID = 6fcfc93e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "正在配置 Exchange 对象版本。"
2012/7/14 10:19:13:Set-SetupOnlyOrganizationConfig -ObjectVersion $RoleOrgConfigVersion -DomainController $RoleDomainController

只看该作者 13楼  发表于: 2012-07-18
我记得我当时自己的虚拟环境下也遇到过这个问题,但是我记得是要到第一台DC上prepare ad的
只看该作者 14楼  发表于: 2012-07-18
回 13楼(yulepig) 的帖子
yulepig:我记得我当时自己的虚拟环境下也遇到过这个问题,但是我记得是要到第一台DC上prepare ad的 (2012-07-18 16:24) 

只看该作者 15楼  发表于: 2012-07-24
回 11楼(washineton) 的帖子
washineton:谢谢您的回复,您回复的也很及时,只不过我这边确实在时间上比较紧张,您看能不能留个方便点的联系方式,我可能直接向您请教,如果不方便直接在论坛里面透露的话,请放送到这个邮箱washineton@163.com,或者加我QQ 17741493 并备注信息  exchange 2010, .. (2012-07-14 09:32) 

只看该作者 16楼  发表于: 2012-07-24
只看该作者 17楼  发表于: 2012-07-27

只看该作者 18楼  发表于: 2012-07-31
回 12楼(washineton) 的帖子
washineton:# ExchangeOrganization 的默认 Install 步骤。
# 在 2012/7/14 10:17:50 上以编程方式生成。
# 变量声明
.......(2012-07-14 10:34)嬀/color]


只看该作者 19楼  发表于: 2012-08-06
回 18楼(opop) 的帖子
CAQuietExec:  Error: The specified assembly is not installed.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_CAS_SHARED_SERVICEHOST returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:52:901]: Doing action: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_MBX_MAILSUB
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:52:901]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:52: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_CAS_SHARED_SERVICEHOST. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:52:901]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_MBX_MAILSUB'
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:52:901]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding QtExecCmdLine property. Its value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\msexchangemailsubmission.exe"'.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:52:901]: Doing action: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_MAILSUB
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:52:901]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:52: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_MBX_MAILSUB. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:52:901]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_MAILSUB'
MSI (s) (D8:38) [19:03:52:917]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2A40.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
MSI (s) (D8!94) [19:03:52:917]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting QtExecCmdLine property. Its current value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\msexchangemailsubmission.exe"'.
Action start 19:03:52: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_MAILSUB.
CAQuietExec:  Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator - Version 2.0.50727.4927
CAQuietExec:  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
CAQuietExec:  Error: The specified assembly is not installed.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_MAILSUB returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:52:963]: Doing action: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_MBX_BH_SHARED_LOGSEARCH
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:52:963]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:52: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_MAILSUB. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:52:963]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_MBX_BH_SHARED_LOGSEARCH'
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:52:963]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding QtExecCmdLine property. Its value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe"'.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:52:963]: Doing action: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_BH_SHARED_LOGSEARCH
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:52:963]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:52: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_MBX_BH_SHARED_LOGSEARCH. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:52:963]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_BH_SHARED_LOGSEARCH'
MSI (s) (D8:48) [19:03:52:963]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2A80.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
MSI (s) (D8!B4) [19:03:52:979]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting QtExecCmdLine property. Its current value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe"'.
CAQuietExec:  Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator - Version 2.0.50727.4927
CAQuietExec:  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
CAQuietExec:  Error: The specified assembly is not installed.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_BH_SHARED_LOGSEARCH returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:026]: Skipping action: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_GW_LOGSEARCH (condition is false)
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:026]: Skipping action: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_GW_LOGSEARCH (condition is false)
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:026]: Doing action: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_OWA
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:026]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_BH_SHARED_LOGSEARCH. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:026]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_OWA'
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:026]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding QtExecCmdLine property. Its value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\ClientAccess\Owa\Bin\microsoft.exchange.clients.owa.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
Action start 19:03:53: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_OWA.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:026]: Doing action: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_OWA
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:026]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_OWA. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:026]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_OWA'
MSI (s) (D8:1C) [19:03:53:026]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2ABF.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
MSI (s) (D8!00) [19:03:53:026]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting QtExecCmdLine property. Its current value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\ClientAccess\Owa\Bin\microsoft.exchange.clients.owa.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
Action start 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_OWA.
CAQuietExec:  Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator - Version 2.0.50727.4927
CAQuietExec:  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
CAQuietExec:  Error: The specified assembly is not installed.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_OWA returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:073]: Doing action: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_AIRSYNC
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:073]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_OWA. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:073]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_AIRSYNC'
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:073]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding QtExecCmdLine property. Its value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\ClientAccess\Sync\Bin\microsoft.exchange.airsynchandler.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:073]: Doing action: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_AIRSYNC
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:073]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_AIRSYNC. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:073]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_AIRSYNC'
MSI (s) (D8:6C) [19:03:53:073]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2AEF.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
MSI (s) (D8!D0) [19:03:53:088]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting QtExecCmdLine property. Its current value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\ClientAccess\Sync\Bin\microsoft.exchange.airsynchandler.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
Action start 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_AIRSYNC.
CAQuietExec:  Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator - Version 2.0.50727.4927
CAQuietExec:  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
CAQuietExec:  Error: The specified assembly is not installed.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_AIRSYNC returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:135]: Doing action: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_SERVICES_MANAGEMENT
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:135]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_AIRSYNC. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:135]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_SERVICES_MANAGEMENT'
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:135]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding QtExecCmdLine property. Its value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "microsoft.exchange.services.pscmdlets.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:135]: Doing action: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_SERVICES_MANAGEMENT
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:135]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_SERVICES_MANAGEMENT. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:135]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_SERVICES_MANAGEMENT'
MSI (s) (D8:84) [19:03:53:135]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2B2E.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
MSI (s) (D8!E0) [19:03:53:151]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting QtExecCmdLine property. Its current value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "microsoft.exchange.services.pscmdlets.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
CAQuietExec:  Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator - Version 2.0.50727.4927
CAQuietExec:  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
CAQuietExec:  Error: The specified assembly is not installed.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_SERVICES_MANAGEMENT returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:197]: Doing action: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_SERVICES
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:197]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_SERVICES_MANAGEMENT. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:197]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_SERVICES'
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:197]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding QtExecCmdLine property. Its value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\ClientAccess\exchweb\ews\bin\microsoft.exchange.services.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:197]: Doing action: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_SERVICES
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:197]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_SERVICES. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:197]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_SERVICES'
MSI (s) (D8:34) [19:03:53:197]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2B6E.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
MSI (s) (D8!AC) [19:03:53:197]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting QtExecCmdLine property. Its current value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\ClientAccess\exchweb\ews\bin\microsoft.exchange.services.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
Action start 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_SERVICES.
CAQuietExec:  Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator - Version 2.0.50727.4927
CAQuietExec:  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
CAQuietExec:  Error: The specified assembly is not installed.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_SERVICES returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:244]: Doing action: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_AUTODISCOVER
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:244]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_SERVICES. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:244]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_AUTODISCOVER'
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:244]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding QtExecCmdLine property. Its value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\ClientAccess\Autodiscover\bin\microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:244]: Doing action: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_AUTODISCOVER
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:244]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_CAS_AUTODISCOVER. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:244]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_AUTODISCOVER'
MSI (s) (D8:00) [19:03:53:244]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2B9D.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
MSI (s) (D8!C0) [19:03:53:260]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting QtExecCmdLine property. Its current value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\ClientAccess\Autodiscover\bin\microsoft.exchange.autodiscover.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
CAQuietExec:  Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator - Version 2.0.50727.4927
CAQuietExec:  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
CAQuietExec:  Error: The specified assembly is not installed.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_AUTODISCOVER returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:307]: Doing action: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_MBX_THROTTLINGSVC
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:307]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_CAS_AUTODISCOVER. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:307]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_MBX_THROTTLINGSVC'
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:307]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding QtExecCmdLine property. Its value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\msexchangethrottling.exe"'.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:307]: Doing action: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_SYSTEMMANAGER
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:307]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_MBX_THROTTLINGSVC. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:307]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_SYSTEMMANAGER'
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:307]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying QtExecCmdLine property. Its current value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\msexchangethrottling.exe"'. Its new value: '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\microsoft.exchange.management.systemmanager.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:307]: Doing action: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_THROTTLINGSVC
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:307]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_SYSTEMMANAGER. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:307]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_THROTTLINGSVC'
MSI (s) (D8:84) [19:03:53:307]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2BDD.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
MSI (s) (D8!F0) [19:03:53:322]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting QtExecCmdLine property. Its current value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\microsoft.exchange.management.systemmanager.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
CAQuietExec:  Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator - Version 2.0.50727.4927
CAQuietExec:  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
CAQuietExec:  Error: The specified assembly is not installed.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_THROTTLINGSVC returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:369]: Doing action: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_EDGESYSTEMMANAGER
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:369]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_MBX_THROTTLINGSVC. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:369]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_EDGESYSTEMMANAGER'
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:369]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding QtExecCmdLine property. Its value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\microsoft.exchange.management.edge.systemmanager.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:369]: Doing action: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_SYSTEMMANAGER
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:369]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_EDGESYSTEMMANAGER. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:369]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_SYSTEMMANAGER'
MSI (s) (D8:20) [19:03:53:369]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2C1C.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
MSI (s) (D8!84) [19:03:53:385]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting QtExecCmdLine property. Its current value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\microsoft.exchange.management.edge.systemmanager.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
CAQuietExec:  Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator - Version 2.0.50727.4927
CAQuietExec:  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
CAQuietExec:  Error: The specified assembly is not installed.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_SYSTEMMANAGER returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:431]: Doing action: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_DETAILSTEMPLATES
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:431]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_SYSTEMMANAGER. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:431]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_DETAILSTEMPLATES'
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:431]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding QtExecCmdLine property. Its value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\microsoft.exchange.management.detailstemplates.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:431]: Doing action: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_EDGESYSTEMMANAGER
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:431]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_DETAILSTEMPLATES. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:431]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_EDGESYSTEMMANAGER'
MSI (s) (D8:28) [19:03:53:431]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2C5C.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
MSI (s) (D8!A8) [19:03:53:431]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting QtExecCmdLine property. Its current value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\microsoft.exchange.management.detailstemplates.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
CAQuietExec:  Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator - Version 2.0.50727.4927
CAQuietExec:  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
CAQuietExec:  Error: The specified assembly is not installed.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_EDGESYSTEMMANAGER returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:478]: Doing action: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_PUBLICFOLDERS
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:478]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_EDGESYSTEMMANAGER. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:478]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_PUBLICFOLDERS'
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:478]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding QtExecCmdLine property. Its value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\microsoft.exchange.management.publicfolders.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:478]: Doing action: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_DETAILSTEMPLATES
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:478]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_PUBLICFOLDERS. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:478]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_DETAILSTEMPLATES'
MSI (s) (D8:18) [19:03:53:494]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2C8B.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
MSI (s) (D8!14) [19:03:53:494]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting QtExecCmdLine property. Its current value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\microsoft.exchange.management.publicfolders.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
CAQuietExec:  Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator - Version 2.0.50727.4927
CAQuietExec:  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
CAQuietExec:  Error: The specified assembly is not installed.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_DETAILSTEMPLATES returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:541]: Doing action: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_MANAGEMENTGUI
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:541]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_DETAILSTEMPLATES. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:541]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_MANAGEMENTGUI'
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:541]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding QtExecCmdLine property. Its value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\microsoft.exchange.managementgui.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:541]: Doing action: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_PUBLICFOLDERS
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:541]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: NGEN_UNINSTALL_PROP_EMC_MANAGEMENTGUI. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:541]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_PUBLICFOLDERS'
MSI (s) (D8:24) [19:03:53:541]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2CCB.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
MSI (s) (D8!C8) [19:03:53:556]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting QtExecCmdLine property. Its current value is '"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe" uninstall "D:\exchange2010\Bin\microsoft.exchange.managementgui.dll" "/AppBase:D:\exchange2010\\bin"'.
CAQuietExec:  Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator - Version 2.0.50727.4927
CAQuietExec:  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
CAQuietExec:  Error: The specified assembly is not installed.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec:  Error 0xffffffff: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_PUBLICFOLDERS returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:587]: Doing action: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_MANAGEMENTGUI
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:587]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
Action ended 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_PUBLICFOLDERS. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:603]: Note: 1: 2235 2:  3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_MANAGEMENTGUI'
MSI (s) (D8:98) [19:03:53:603]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2D0A.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
CAQuietExec:  Error 0x80070057: failed to get command line data
CAQuietExec:  Error 0x80070057: failed to get Command Line
CAQuietExec:  Error 0x80070057: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_MANAGEMENTGUI returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
Action ended 19:03:53: CA_NGEN_UNINSTALL_EMC_MANAGEMENTGUI. Return value 1.
Action ended 19:03:53: INSTALL. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:603]: Note: 1: 1724
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:603]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Error
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:603]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: Error 4: SELECT `Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 1724
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:603]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Error
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:603]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: Error 4: SELECT `Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 1709
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:603]: Product: Microsoft Exchange Server -- Removal completed successfully.

MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:603]: Windows Installer 已删除产品。产品名称: Microsoft Exchange Server。产品版本: 14.0.639.21。产品语言: 1033。制造商: Microsoft Corporation。删除成功或错误状态: 0。

MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:603]: Deferring clean up of packages/files, if any exist
MSI (s) (D8:50) [19:03:53:603]: MainEngineThread is returning 0
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: RESTART MANAGER: Session closed.
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
=== Logging stopped: 2012/6/25  19:03:53 ===
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Post-install cleanup: removing installer file 'C:\Windows\Installer\161edb.msi'
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Post-install cleanup: removing installer file 'C:\Windows\Installer\{4934D1EA-BE46-48B1-8847-F1AF20E892C1}\PowerShell.exe'
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Post-install cleanup: removing installer folder 'C:\Windows\Installer\{4934D1EA-BE46-48B1-8847-F1AF20E892C1}\' (if empty)
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Note: 1: 2318 2:  
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Post-install cleanup: removing installer file 'C:\Windows\Installer\{4934D1EA-BE46-48B1-8847-F1AF20E892C1}\HelpQMark'
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Post-install cleanup: removing installer folder 'C:\Windows\Installer\{4934D1EA-BE46-48B1-8847-F1AF20E892C1}\' (if empty)
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Note: 1: 2318 2:  
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Post-install cleanup: removing installer file 'C:\Windows\Installer\{4934D1EA-BE46-48B1-8847-F1AF20E892C1}\LPowerShell.exe'
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Post-install cleanup: removing installer folder 'C:\Windows\Installer\{4934D1EA-BE46-48B1-8847-F1AF20E892C1}\' (if empty)
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:619]: Note: 1: 2318 2:  
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:665]: Restoring environment variables
MSI (s) (D8:08) [19:03:53:665]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
MSI (s) (D8:38) [19:03:53:665]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
MSI (c) (80:9C) [19:03:53:665]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (80:9C) [19:03:53:665]: MainEngineThread is returning 0
=== Verbose logging stopped: 2012/6/25  19:03:53 ===
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