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[求助]关于客户端许可证 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2013-03-25
问个感性的问题,内网如果有50个用户,是否需要买50个客户端许可?exchange 2010/2013 是否分每服务器模式和每客户端模式?


只看该作者 1楼  发表于: 2013-03-25
Exchange客户端许可证是分per user和per device的,可以根据你们的实际情况来选择哪种方式更合算。
只看该作者 2楼  发表于: 2013-03-25
Exchange 2010 许可证类型

Exchange 2010 内部部署在服务器/客户端访问许可证 (CAL) 模型中进行授权,与 Exchange Server 2007 的授权方式相同。有以下三种类型的许可证:
  • 服务器许可证   必须为正在运行的服务器软件的每个实例分配一个许可证。销售的服务器许可证有两种服务器版本:标准版和企业版。
  • 客户端访问许可证 (CAL)   Exchange2010 还提供了两种客户端访问许可证 (CAL) 版本,称为 Standard CAL 和 EnterpriseCAL。您可以混合服务器版本并将其与 CAL 类型匹配。例如,可以将企业版 CAL 用于 Exchange 2010 标准版。同样,可以将标准版CAL 用于 Exchange 2010 企业版。
  • 外部连接器许可证   此许可证类型在不确定 CAL 的数量时允许无限客户端访问 Exchange 服务器。

只看该作者 3楼  发表于: 2013-03-26
回 samhugh 的帖子
Exchange 2010 许可证类型
Exchange 2010 内部部署在服务器/客户端访问许可证 (CAL) 模型中进行授权,与 Exchange Server 2007 的授权 ..(2013-03-25 17:11)嬀/color]

打开EMC,一进去在Exchange 2010 Organizational Health页面下,它会列出所需要的CAL数量。你只要购买足量的CAL即可,无需导入。


"This report is for informational purposes only, and may be used to estimate the number of Exchange Server 2010 Client Access Licenses (CALs) and the type of CAL required (Standard or Enterprise) for your organization. The estimate is based on the usage and/or enablement of certain features in your organization's Exchange environment.
-    The purpose of this report is to provide you with a tool to understand your organization's usage of Exchange 2010 features and to help with internal license auditing and verification.
-    This report does not calculate device CALs, and your organization's actual license obligations may vary based on the licensing program offerings and SKUs it has licensed.
-    Regardless of the estimates made in this report, it is your organization's responsibility to ensure that it is fully compliant with the licensing requirements for the Exchange Server product. Microsoft makes no warranty of any kind with respect to this report, or the information contained in this report.
-    This information is based on Exchange Server 2010 licensing and therefore does not reflect any plans for future Exchange licensing".
只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2013-04-05
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