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[求助]exchange  2007安装报错 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2014-10-22
安装exchange 2007 报错

集线器传输角色 先决条件
安装程序在验证 Active Directory 的状态时遇到问题: 在林 cnc.intra 中查找全局编录时出现 Active Directory 错误 0x8007203A: 该服务器不可操作
已用时间: 00:24:39


[10/20/2014 7:26:48 PM] [0] **********************************************
[10/20/2014 7:26:48 PM] [0] Starting Microsoft Exchange 2007 Setup
[10/20/2014 7:26:48 PM] [0] **********************************************
[10/20/2014 7:26:48 PM] [0] Operating System version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1.
[10/20/2014 7:26:49 PM] [0] Setup version:
[10/20/2014 7:26:49 PM] [0] Logged on user: HE\heexadmin.
[10/20/2014 7:26:49 PM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='mode', Value='Install'.
[10/20/2014 7:26:49 PM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='sourcedir', Value='C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange'.
[10/20/2014 7:26:49 PM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='fromsetup', Value=''.
[10/20/2014 7:26:49 PM] [0] ExSetupUI was started with the following command: '-mode:install -sourcedir:C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange /FromSetup'.
[10/20/2014 7:26:52 PM] [0] Setup is choosing the domain controller to use
[10/20/2014 7:26:52 PM] [0] Setup is choosing a local domain controller...
[10/20/2014 7:26:59 PM] [0] Setup has chosen the local domain controller ms0311dc01.he.cnc.intra for initial queries
[10/20/2014 7:32:48 PM] [0] PrepareAD has been run, and has replicated to this domain controller; so setup will use ms0311dc01.he.cnc.intra
[10/20/2014 7:32:48 PM] [0] Setup is choosing a global catalog...
[10/20/2014 7:32:49 PM] [0] Setup has chosen the global catalog server ms0311dc01.he.cnc.intra.
[10/20/2014 7:32:49 PM] [0] Setup will use the domain controller 'ms0311dc01.he.cnc.intra'.
[10/20/2014 7:32:49 PM] [0] Setup will use the global catalog 'ms0311dc01.he.cnc.intra'.
[10/20/2014 7:32:49 PM] [0] Exchange configuration container for the organization is 'CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=cnc,DC=intra'.
[10/20/2014 7:32:49 PM] [0] Exchange organization container for the organization is 'CN=CNC,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=cnc,DC=intra'.
[10/20/2014 7:32:49 PM] [0] Setup will search for an Exchange Server object for the local machine with name 'M10-HE-MLF06'.
[10/20/2014 7:32:49 PM] [0] No Exchange Server with identity 'M10-HE-MLF06' was found.
[10/20/2014 7:33:19 PM] [0] The following roles are unpacked:
[10/20/2014 7:33:19 PM] [0] The following roles are installed:
[10/20/2014 7:33:19 PM] [0] The local server does not have any Exchange files installed.
[10/20/2014 7:33:19 PM] [0] Setup will use the path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange' for installing Exchange.
[10/20/2014 7:33:19 PM] [0] The server is cluster type: 'None'.
[10/20/2014 7:33:19 PM] [0] The requested cluster type: 'None'.
[10/20/2014 7:33:19 PM] [0] The installation mode is set to: 'Install'.
[10/20/2014 7:33:19 PM] [0] An Exchange organization with name 'CNC' was found in this forest.
[10/20/2014 7:33:19 PM] [0] Active Directory Initialization status : 'True'.
[10/20/2014 7:33:19 PM] [0] Schema Update Required Status : 'False'.
[10/20/2014 7:33:19 PM] [0] Organization Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.
[10/20/2014 7:33:19 PM] [0] Domain Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] Applying default role selection state
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value CNC.
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 3 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value CNC.
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 4 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value CNC.
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 5 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value CNC.
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 5 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 7:33:20 PM] [0] RootDataHandler has 1 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 7:39:16 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 7:39:16 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value CNC.
[10/20/2014 7:39:16 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 7:39:16 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 4 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 7:39:16 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 7:39:16 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value CNC.
[10/20/2014 7:39:16 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 7:39:16 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 3 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 7:39:16 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 7:39:16 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value CNC.
[10/20/2014 7:39:16 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 7:39:16 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 0 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 7:39:18 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 7:39:18 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value CNC.
[10/20/2014 7:39:18 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 7:39:18 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 3 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 7:39:19 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 7:39:19 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value CNC.
[10/20/2014 7:39:19 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 7:39:19 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 4 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 7:39:27 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 7:39:27 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value CNC.
[10/20/2014 7:39:27 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 7:39:27 PM] [0] Package path for the Unified Messaging Language Pack set to 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\UnifiedMessaging\umlang-zh-CN.msi'.
[10/20/2014 7:39:27 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 6 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 7:39:38 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 7:39:38 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value CNC.
[10/20/2014 7:39:38 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 7:39:38 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 4 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 7:39:41 PM] [0] Validating options for the 0 requested roles
[10/20/2014 7:39:41 PM] [0] Validating options for the 0 requested roles
[10/20/2014 7:39:41 PM] [0] **************
[10/20/2014 7:39:41 PM] [0] Setup will run the task 'test-setuphealth'
[10/20/2014 7:39:41 PM] [1] Setup launched task 'test-setuphealth -DomainController 'ms0311dc01.he.cnc.intra' -DownloadConfigurationUpdates $true -ExchangeVersion '' -Roles 'Bridgehead' -ScanType 'PrecheckInstall' -SetupRoles 'AdminTools','Bridgehead','ClientAccess' -TargetDir 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server''  
[10/20/2014 7:40:11 PM] [1] Beginning processing.
[10/20/2014 7:43:32 PM] [1] Beginning processing.
[10/20/2014 7:43:32 PM] [1] 管理员 Active Directory 会话设置为:  查看整个林:“True”, 配置域控制器:“ms0311dc01.he.cnc.intra”, 首选全局编录:“ms0311dc01.he.cnc.intra”, 首选域控制器:“{ ms0311dc01.he.cnc.intra }”
[10/20/2014 7:43:32 PM] [1] Searching objects of type "SmtpSendConnectorConfig" with filter "$null", scope "SubTree" under the root "Administrative Groups".
[10/20/2014 7:43:32 PM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'ms0311dc01.he.cnc.intra'.
[10/20/2014 7:43:32 PM] [1] Preparing to output objects. Maximum result set size "unlimited".
[10/20/2014 7:43:32 PM] [1] Ending processing.
[10/20/2014 8:06:12 PM] [1] [WARNING] 建议安装“IIS 6 元数据库兼容性”组件,因为它允许管理所有服务器角色。请通过服务器管理器安装此组件。
[10/20/2014 8:06:12 PM] [1] [WARNING] 建议安装“IIS 6 管理控制台”组件,因为它允许管理所有服务器角色。请通过服务器管理器安装此组件。
[10/20/2014 8:06:12 PM] [1] Ending processing.
[10/20/2014 8:06:12 PM] [0] **************
[10/20/2014 8:06:12 PM] [0] Setup will run the task 'test-setuphealth'
[10/20/2014 8:06:12 PM] [1] Setup launched task 'test-setuphealth -DomainController 'ms0311dc01.he.cnc.intra' -DownloadConfigurationUpdates $false -ExchangeVersion '' -Roles 'ClientAccess' -ScanType 'PrecheckInstall' -SetupRoles 'AdminTools','Bridgehead','ClientAccess' -TargetDir 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server' -IISInstalled $false'  
[10/20/2014 8:06:12 PM] [1] Beginning processing.
[10/20/2014 8:30:01 PM] [1] [ERROR] World Wide Web (W3SVC)服务正在运行,但是,必须退出并重新启动安装程序才能继续。
[10/20/2014 8:30:01 PM] [1] [ERROR] 要求安装“IIS 7 Dynamic Content Compression”组件。请通过服务器管理器安装此组件。
[10/20/2014 8:30:01 PM] [1] [ERROR] 要求安装“IIS7 Basic Authentication”组件。请通过服务器管理器安装此组件。
[10/20/2014 8:30:01 PM] [1] [ERROR] 要求安装“IIS 7 Windows Authentication”组件。请通过服务器管理器安装此组件。
[10/20/2014 8:30:01 PM] [1] [ERROR] 要求安装“IIS 7 Digest Authentication”组件。请通过服务器管理器安装此组件。
[10/20/2014 8:30:01 PM] [1] Ending processing.
[10/20/2014 10:47:35 PM] [0] End of Setup
[10/20/2014 10:47:35 PM] [0] **********************************************
[10/20/2014 10:48:18 PM] [0] **********************************************
[10/20/2014 10:48:18 PM] [0] Starting Microsoft Exchange 2007 Setup
[10/20/2014 10:48:18 PM] [0] **********************************************
[10/20/2014 10:48:18 PM] [0] Operating System version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1.
[10/20/2014 10:48:18 PM] [0] Setup version:
[10/20/2014 10:48:18 PM] [0] Logged on user: HE\heexadmin.
[10/20/2014 10:48:18 PM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='mode', Value='Install'.
[10/20/2014 10:48:18 PM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='sourcedir', Value='C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange'.
[10/20/2014 10:48:18 PM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='fromsetup', Value=''.
[10/20/2014 10:48:18 PM] [0] ExSetupUI was started with the following command: '-mode:install -sourcedir:C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange /FromSetup'.
[10/20/2014 10:48:19 PM] [0] Setup is choosing the domain controller to use
[10/20/2014 10:48:19 PM] [0] Setup is choosing a local domain controller...
[10/20/2014 10:52:36 PM] [0] [ERROR] Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active Directory: 在林 cnc.intra 中查找全局编录时出现 Active Directory 错误 0x8007203A: 该服务器不可操作。


[10/20/2014 10:52:36 PM] [0] [ERROR] An Active Directory error 0x8007203A occurred when looking for global catalogs in forest cnc.intra: 该服务器不可操作。


[10/20/2014 10:52:36 PM] [0] [ERROR] 该服务器不可操作。


[10/20/2014 10:52:36 PM] [0] [ERROR] 该服务器不可操作。

[10/20/2014 10:52:36 PM] [0] Setup will use the domain controller ''.
[10/20/2014 10:52:36 PM] [0] Setup will use the global catalog ''.
[10/20/2014 10:56:02 PM] [0] No Exchange configuration container was found for the organization. Message: '在林 cnc.intra 中查找全局编录时出现 Active Directory 错误 0x8007203A: 该服务器不可操作。

[10/20/2014 10:56:02 PM] [0] The following roles are unpacked:
[10/20/2014 10:56:02 PM] [0] The following roles are installed:
[10/20/2014 10:56:02 PM] [0] The local server does not have any Exchange files installed.
[10/20/2014 10:56:02 PM] [0] Setup will use the path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange' for installing Exchange.
[10/20/2014 10:56:02 PM] [0] The server is cluster type: 'None'.
[10/20/2014 10:56:02 PM] [0] The requested cluster type: 'None'.
[10/20/2014 10:56:02 PM] [0] The installation mode is set to: 'Install'.
[10/20/2014 10:56:02 PM] [0] Exchange organization name is required for this mode.
[10/20/2014 10:56:02 PM] [0] Active Directory Initialization status : 'False'.
[10/20/2014 10:56:02 PM] [0] Schema Update Required Status : 'False'.
[10/20/2014 10:56:02 PM] [0] Organization Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.
[10/20/2014 10:56:02 PM] [0] Domain Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.
[10/20/2014 10:56:02 PM] [0] Applying default role selection state
[10/20/2014 10:56:32 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 10:56:32 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 10:56:32 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 3 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 10:56:32 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 10:56:32 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 10:56:32 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 4 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 10:56:32 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 10:56:32 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 10:56:32 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 5 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 10:56:32 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 10:56:32 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 10:56:32 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 5 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 10:56:32 PM] [0] RootDataHandler has 1 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 11:00:20 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 11:00:20 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 11:00:20 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 4 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 11:00:20 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 11:00:20 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 11:00:20 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 3 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 11:00:20 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 11:00:20 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 11:00:20 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 0 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 11:00:23 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 11:00:23 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 11:00:23 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 3 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 11:00:23 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/20/2014 11:00:23 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/20/2014 11:00:23 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 4 DataHandlers
[10/20/2014 11:00:24 PM] [0] Validating options for the 0 requested roles
[10/20/2014 11:00:24 PM] [0] Validating options for the 0 requested roles
[10/20/2014 11:00:30 PM] [0] Validating options for the 0 requested roles
[10/20/2014 11:00:30 PM] [0] Validating options for the 0 requested roles
[10/20/2014 11:00:45 PM] [0] Validating options for the 0 requested roles
[10/20/2014 11:00:45 PM] [0] Validating options for the 0 requested roles
[10/20/2014 11:01:01 PM] [0] **************
[10/20/2014 11:01:01 PM] [0] Setup will run the task 'test-setuphealth'
[10/20/2014 11:01:01 PM] [1] Setup launched task 'test-setuphealth -DomainController $null -DownloadConfigurationUpdates $true -ExchangeVersion '' -Roles 'Bridgehead' -ScanType 'PrecheckInstall' -SetupRoles 'AdminTools','Bridgehead','ClientAccess' -TargetDir 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server' -ADInitError '安装程序在验证 Active Directory 的状态时遇到问题: 在林 cnc.intra 中查找全局编录时出现 Active Directory 错误 0x8007203A: 该服务器不可操作。

[10/20/2014 11:01:13 PM] [1] Beginning processing.
[10/20/2014 11:04:22 PM] [1] Beginning processing.
[10/20/2014 11:06:27 PM] [1] 管理员 Active Directory 会话设置为:  查看整个林:“True”, 配置域控制器:“M10-HE-dc05.he.cnc.intra”,
[10/20/2014 11:06:27 PM] [1] Searching objects of type "SmtpSendConnectorConfig" with filter "$null", scope "SubTree" under the root "Administrative Groups".
[10/20/2014 11:06:28 PM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'M10-HE-dc05.he.cnc.intra'.
[10/20/2014 11:06:28 PM] [1] Preparing to output objects. Maximum result set size "unlimited".
[10/20/2014 11:06:28 PM] [1] Ending processing.
[10/20/2014 11:25:41 PM] [1] [ERROR] 安装程序在验证 Active Directory 的状态时遇到问题: 在林 cnc.intra 中查找全局编录时出现 Active Directory 错误 0x8007203A: 该服务器不可操作。


[10/20/2014 11:25:41 PM] [1] Ending processing.
[10/20/2014 11:25:41 PM] [0] **************
[10/20/2014 11:25:41 PM] [0] Setup will run the task 'test-setuphealth'
[10/20/2014 11:25:41 PM] [1] Setup launched task 'test-setuphealth -DomainController $null -DownloadConfigurationUpdates $false -ExchangeVersion '' -Roles 'ClientAccess' -ScanType 'PrecheckInstall' -SetupRoles 'AdminTools','Bridgehead','ClientAccess' -TargetDir 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server' -IISInstalled $true -ADInitError '安装程序在验证 Active Directory 的状态时遇到问题: 在林 cnc.intra 中查找全局编录时出现 Active Directory 错误 0x8007203A: 该服务器不可操作。

[10/20/2014 11:25:41 PM] [1] Beginning processing.
[10/20/2014 11:47:40 PM] [1] [ERROR] 管道已被停止。
[10/20/2014 11:47:40 PM] [0] End of Setup
[10/20/2014 11:47:40 PM] [0] **********************************************
[10/21/2014 10:49:42 AM] [0] **********************************************
[10/21/2014 10:49:42 AM] [0] Starting Microsoft Exchange 2007 Setup
[10/21/2014 10:49:42 AM] [0] **********************************************
[10/21/2014 10:49:42 AM] [0] Operating System version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1.
[10/21/2014 10:49:42 AM] [0] Setup version:
[10/21/2014 10:49:42 AM] [0] Logged on user: HE\heexadmin.
[10/21/2014 10:49:42 AM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='mode', Value='Install'.
[10/21/2014 10:49:42 AM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='sourcedir', Value='C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange'.
[10/21/2014 10:49:42 AM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='fromsetup', Value=''.
[10/21/2014 10:49:42 AM] [0] ExSetupUI was started with the following command: '-mode:install -sourcedir:C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange /FromSetup'.
[10/21/2014 10:49:43 AM] [0] Setup is choosing the domain controller to use
[10/21/2014 10:49:44 AM] [0] Setup is choosing a local domain controller...
[10/21/2014 10:51:23 AM] [0] [ERROR] Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active Directory: 在林 cnc.intra 中未找到任何全局编录。
[10/21/2014 10:51:23 AM] [0] [ERROR] Could not find any Global Catalog in forest cnc.intra.
[10/21/2014 10:51:23 AM] [0] [ERROR] 在林“cnc.intra”中找不到全局编录。
[10/21/2014 10:51:23 AM] [0] Setup will use the domain controller ''.
[10/21/2014 10:51:23 AM] [0] Setup will use the global catalog ''.
[10/21/2014 10:51:46 AM] [0] No Exchange configuration container was found for the organization. Message: '在林 cnc.intra 中未找到任何全局编录。'.
[10/21/2014 10:51:46 AM] [0] The following roles are unpacked:
[10/21/2014 10:51:46 AM] [0] The following roles are installed:
[10/21/2014 10:51:46 AM] [0] The local server does not have any Exchange files installed.
[10/21/2014 10:51:46 AM] [0] Setup will use the path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange' for installing Exchange.
[10/21/2014 10:51:46 AM] [0] The server is cluster type: 'None'.
[10/21/2014 10:51:46 AM] [0] The requested cluster type: 'None'.
[10/21/2014 10:51:46 AM] [0] The installation mode is set to: 'Install'.
[10/21/2014 10:51:46 AM] [0] Exchange organization name is required for this mode.
[10/21/2014 10:51:46 AM] [0] Active Directory Initialization status : 'False'.
[10/21/2014 10:51:46 AM] [0] Schema Update Required Status : 'False'.
[10/21/2014 10:51:46 AM] [0] Organization Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.
[10/21/2014 10:51:46 AM] [0] Domain Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.
[10/21/2014 10:51:46 AM] [0] Applying default role selection state
[10/21/2014 10:51:56 AM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/21/2014 10:51:56 AM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/21/2014 10:51:56 AM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 3 DataHandlers
[10/21/2014 10:51:56 AM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/21/2014 10:51:56 AM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/21/2014 10:51:56 AM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 4 DataHandlers
[10/21/2014 10:51:56 AM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/21/2014 10:51:56 AM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/21/2014 10:51:56 AM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 5 DataHandlers
[10/21/2014 10:51:56 AM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/21/2014 10:51:56 AM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/21/2014 10:51:56 AM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 5 DataHandlers
[10/21/2014 10:51:56 AM] [0] RootDataHandler has 1 DataHandlers
[10/21/2014 10:59:54 AM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/21/2014 10:59:54 AM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/21/2014 10:59:54 AM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 4 DataHandlers
[10/21/2014 10:59:54 AM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/21/2014 10:59:54 AM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/21/2014 10:59:54 AM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 3 DataHandlers
[10/21/2014 10:59:54 AM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/21/2014 10:59:54 AM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/21/2014 10:59:54 AM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 0 DataHandlers
[10/21/2014 10:59:57 AM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/21/2014 10:59:57 AM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/21/2014 10:59:57 AM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 3 DataHandlers
[10/21/2014 10:59:58 AM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[10/21/2014 10:59:58 AM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Users\heexadmin\Desktop\exchange\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[10/21/2014 10:59:58 AM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 4 DataHandlers
[10/21/2014 10:59:59 AM] [0] Validating options for the 0 requested roles
[10/21/2014 10:59:59 AM] [0] Validating options for the 0 requested roles
[10/21/2014 11:13:16 AM] [0] **************
[10/21/2014 11:13:16 AM] [0] Setup will run the task 'test-setuphealth'
[10/21/2014 11:13:16 AM] [1] Setup launched task 'test-setuphealth -DomainController $null -DownloadConfigurationUpdates $true -ExchangeVersion '' -Roles 'Bridgehead' -ScanType 'PrecheckInstall' -SetupRoles 'AdminTools','Bridgehead','ClientAccess' -TargetDir 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server' -ADInitError '安装程序在验证 Active Directory 的状态时遇到问题: 在林 cnc.intra 中未找到任何全局编录。''  
[10/21/2014 11:13:47 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[10/21/2014 11:15:58 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[10/21/2014 11:17:04 AM] [1] 管理员 Active Directory 会话设置为:  查看整个林:“True”, 配置域控制器:“M10-HE-dc06.he.cnc.intra”,
[10/21/2014 11:17:26 AM] [1] Searching objects of type "SmtpSendConnectorConfig" with filter "$null", scope "SubTree" under the root "Administrative Groups".
[10/21/2014 11:17:26 AM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'M10-HE-DC11.he.cnc.intra'.
[10/21/2014 11:17:26 AM] [1] Preparing to output objects. Maximum result set size "unlimited".
[10/21/2014 11:17:26 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[10/21/2014 11:40:58 AM] [1] [ERROR] 安装程序在验证 Active Directory 的状态时遇到问题: 在林 cnc.intra 中未找到任何全局编录。
[10/21/2014 11:40:58 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[10/21/2014 11:40:58 AM] [0] **************
[10/21/2014 11:40:58 AM] [0] Setup will run the task 'test-setuphealth'
[10/21/2014 11:40:58 AM] [1] Setup launched task 'test-setuphealth -DomainController $null -DownloadConfigurationUpdates $false -ExchangeVersion '' -Roles 'ClientAccess' -ScanType 'PrecheckInstall' -SetupRoles 'AdminTools','Bridgehead','ClientAccess' -TargetDir 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server' -IISInstalled $true -ADInitError '安装程序在验证 Active Directory 的状态时遇到问题: 在林 cnc.intra 中未找到任何全局编录。''  
[10/21/2014 11:40:58 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[10/21/2014 12:06:33 PM] [1] [ERROR] 安装程序在验证 Active Directory 的状态时遇到问题: 在林 cnc.intra 中未找到任何全局编录。
[10/21/2014 12:06:33 PM] [1] Ending processing.
[10/21/2014 12:21:20 PM] [0] End of Setup
[10/21/2014 12:21:20 PM] [0] **********************************************

只看该作者 1楼  发表于: 2014-10-22

我的建议是查看ADSIEDIT,检查Configuration Partition下的Exchange Service的容器内是否还有之前残留的邮件服务器的信息
只看该作者 2楼  发表于: 2014-10-22
现在的exchange 2003还没有下线,还在使用,要等exchange 2007安装测试完成后,把所有用户迁移的exchange 2007然后才能下线

只看该作者 3楼  发表于: 2014-10-22
回 zhaidong 的帖子
zhaidong:现在的exchange 2003还没有下线,还在使用,要等exchange 2007安装测试完成后,把所有用户迁移的exchange 2007然后才能下线 (2014-10-22 14:56) 

1. 在现有的AD环境下使用DCDiag, NetDiag排出潜在的问题
2. 将Exchange Server 2003的模式调整为纯模式,Windows Server 2003的域模式和森林模式调整为Windows Server 2003模式。
3. 立即初始化AD的复制
4. (在单一路由组中不需要)抑制次要链接状态更新,防止路由循环
5. 在要安装Exchange Server 2007的计算机上执行Setup /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions:对早期的Exchange域授予权限,以使 Exchange 2003 或 Exchange 2000 收件人更新服务在更新 Exchange 2007 的 Active Directory 架构之后可以正常运行。
6. 运行setup /prepareschema
7. 运行setup /prepareAD /Organization:
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