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[求助]exchange2013先决条件报错 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2015-09-26



            $Target = $env:COMPUTERNAME
              $exSrv = get-ExchangeServer $Target -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
              Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning "Unable to set monitoring and server state to inactive.  Setup will continue.";

            if ($exSrv -eq $null)
              Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning "$Target is not an Exchange Server. Unable to set monitoring and server state to inactive.  Setup will continue.";

            Set-ServerComponentState $Target -Component Monitoring -Requester Functional -State Inactive
            Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "Monitoring has been set to Inactive while setup is running."

            Set-ServerComponentState $Target -Component RecoveryActionsEnabled -Requester Functional -State Inactive
            Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "RecoveryActionsEnabled has been set to Inactive while setup is running."

            Set-ServerComponentState $Target -Component ServerWideOffline -Requester Functional -State InActive
            Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "The server state has been set to Inactive while setup is running."
            Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning "Unable to set monitoring and server state to inactive.  Setup can not continue.";
        "时生成以下错误:"无法对此对象设置属性 ComponentStates,因为该操作要求对象的版本为 0.1 (8.0.535.0) 或更高。该对象的当前版本为 0.0 (6.5.6500.0)。"。

            $Target = $env:COMPUTERNAME
              $exSrv = get-ExchangeServer $Target -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
              Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning "Unable to set monitoring and server state to inactive.  Setup will continue.";

            if ($exSrv -eq $null)
              Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning "$Target is not an Exchange Server. Unable to set monitoring and server state to inactive.  Setup will continue.";

            Set-ServerComponentState $Target -Component Monitoring -Requester Functional -State Inactive
            Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "Monitoring has been set to Inactive while setup is running."

            Set-ServerComponentState $Target -Component RecoveryActionsEnabled -Requester Functional -State Inactive
            Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "RecoveryActionsEnabled has been set to Inactive while setup is running."

            Set-ServerComponentState $Target -Component ServerWideOffline -Requester Functional -State InActive
            Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "The server state has been set to Inactive while setup is running."
            Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning "Unable to set monitoring and server state to inactive.  Setup can not continue.";
        "时生成以下错误:"无法对此对象设置属性 ComponentStates,因为该操作要求对象的版本为 0.1 (8.0.535.0) 或更高。该对象的当前版本为 0.0 (6.5.6500.0)。"。

            $Target = $env:COMPUTERNAME
              $exSrv = get-ExchangeServer $Target -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
              Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning "Unable to set monitoring and server state to inactive.  Setup will continue.";

            if ($exSrv -eq $null)
              Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning "$Target is not an Exchange Server. Unable to set monitoring and server state to inactive.  Setup will continue.";

            Set-ServerComponentState $Target -Component Monitoring -Requester Functional -State Inactive
            Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "Monitoring has been set to Inactive while setup is running."

            Set-ServerComponentState $Target -Component RecoveryActionsEnabled -Requester Functional -State Inactive
            Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "RecoveryActionsEnabled has been set to Inactive while setup is running."

            Set-ServerComponentState $Target -Component ServerWideOffline -Requester Functional -State InActive
            Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info "The server state has been set to Inactive while setup is running."
            Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning "Unable to set monitoring and server state to inactive.  Setup can not continue.";
        "时生成以下错误:"无法对此对象设置属性 ComponentStates,因为该操作要求对象的版本为 0.1 (8.0.535.0) 或更高。该对象的当前版本为 0.0 (6.5.6500.0)。"。

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