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[招聘]招聘Exchange Support Engineer [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2010-05-12
— 本帖被 YOYO 从 站内交流 意见建议 移动到本区(2012-12-13) —
         Provide timely technical assistance work to Microsoft CSS team under the leadership of Microsoft Support Engineers. (Assistance work includes but not limited to lab environment setup, technical problem reproduction, basic data collection/pre-processing and technical action plan drafting.)
         Consolidate technical/non-technical documentations under the guidance of Microsoft Support Manager/Engineers.
         Assist Microsoft CSS team to monitor and dispatch technical service requests according to pre-defined work force management guideline

         Provide direct assistance to Microsoft Support engineers.
         Be extremely accurate in the lab setup and information provided to Microsoft Support Engineers.
         Follow Microsoft Support Engineer's guidance to arrange working priorities.
         Maintain a high level of professionalism and quality when interacting with Microsoft APGC CSS team members.

1.Bachelor degree in Computer Science or related majors.
2.Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows, Exchange, OCS, Office products and networking is required.

3.Basic programming skill (like C, C++, VB or C#) is a plus.
4.MCP, MCSE preferred
5.Strong written English skill is a must.
6.Quick learning skills and accurate execution capability are mandatory requirements.
7.Ability to work in a fast paced environment as a positive attitude team player.
8.Proven communication with Microsoft CSS team members.

如有意者,请速发送简历至 mp0131@manpower.com.cn
