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[招聘]北欧公司招聘Wintel Support Engineer 职位(北京) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2010-09-02
— 本帖被 YOYO 从 站内交流 移动到本区(2012-12-13) —
职位:   Wintel Support Engineer  三名
项目简介:英国最大的数字媒体运营商之一SKY TV在偶们公司内部建了一个support center。除了技术的要求外,对英文要求还是蛮高滴。小妹先剧透一把面试流程:先是北京这边的WMC MANAGER(米国人)面试,接着是乌克兰和英国的两轮电话面试(没有SKYPE的童鞋要下载一个咯)。。电话面试的时间基本上会在晚上8-10点,不会耽误在职的童鞋太多时间。
工作环境:Ethos本身就是一家挪威公司,气氛活跃,公司文化开放又民主,在这里工作很high的。语言上来说是纯英文的。咱们公司有专门的米国老师每天给大家培训英文哦。SKY TEAM更是每天有一小时单独的英文学习时间。是不是很帅捏?
偶的联系方式:wenfengwu-at- ethos.com.cn/
MSN: mavis_307- at-hotmail.com
SKYPE: wenfeng.wu

以下是JD,供大家参考:(有点长,大家要有耐心  and 不要怕不要怕,一切完美无缺的JD都是纸老虎。。)
One of the world’s largest broadcasters, Sky is driving a fresh and inspiring approach to entertainment. A FTSE top 30 company with more than nine million subscribers, we’re seen in one out of every three UK homes. Now, with ambitious plans for growth, we’re taking our success still further – and we need you to drive our exciting future in this key role.

We currently have a position for a WINTEL Support Analyst within Business Support in Technology Platforms. Technology Platforms designs, develops and operates Sky’s Broadcast and IT infrastructure with the continued goal of improving flexibility and efficiency

Role responsibilities

As a WINTEL Support Analyst, your role is to provide high quality 1st, 2nd and 3rd Line Server infrastructure Support to the Sky business. This includes effective service management of the production Windows, Novell and ESX platforms and to facilitate the delivery of both IT and business projects. As such you are responsible for:
• Supporting the Infrastructure Support Team Leader in all relevant Server Infrastructure matters.
• Providing high quality day to day 3rd line server support of the Server platform, approximately 1500 servers covering all aspects of the Sky business.
• Technical expertise for large scale service improvements and projects in the WINTEL environment.
• Demonstrating technical expertise in all aspects of the WINTEL Platform, including Active Directory, Windows Server, Exchange, SMS 2003, Novell, VMWare and Citrix.

You will work in a highly skilled, highly motivated team of infrastructure support specialists with competencies in all Microsoft technologies. The team is support and project driven and works across all Sky’s key WINTEL platforms and services.

For the role, we are looking for you to have the following skills and experience:

• Track record of working as a Windows Server Support Analyst in a large corporate environment
• In-depth knowledge and hands on experience of supporting a large Active Directory and Microsoft Windows server system infrastructure technologies.
• Working knowledge and hands on experience of Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and related messaging technologies.
• Hands on technical experience in the workings of Microsoft SMS 2003 within a multi site environment
• Working knowledge and hands on experience of thin client technologies including working with and supporting a large Citrix Farm
• Working knowledge and hands on experience of Windows 2003 Clustering and SAN technologies
• Microsoft Qualification (MCSE 2000/2003)
• Good English communication skills with the ability to work on your own initiative and as part of a team
• NWorks and SCOM Monitoring platforms

只看该作者 1楼  发表于: 2010-09-02
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