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[求助]Active Directory 服务器不可用 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2010-09-03
安装角色先决条件检查时报告错误:Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active Directory: Active Directory 服务器 tjelcee-server.tjelcee.local 不可用。错误消息: 出现本地错误。

只看该作者 1楼  发表于: 2010-09-03
Exchange 常用端口:http://bbs.exchangecn.com/read.php?tid-1591.html
只看该作者 2楼  发表于: 2010-09-03
Exchange 常用端口:http://bbs.exchangecn.com/read.php?tid-1591.html
只看该作者 3楼  发表于: 2010-09-08

只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2010-09-08
回 楼主(春雨) 的帖子

首先这台Exchange 2007服务器本身就是台DC/GC吗?若是的话,建议分开。
其次确保本站点中至少有一台Windows 2003 SP1以上的DC/GC并至少是Schema Master角色
然后重新运行setup.com /PrepareAD /dc:<name of the W2k3Sp1 DC/GC>

只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2010-09-09
[2010-9-9 11:10:54] [0] **********************************************
[2010-9-9 11:10:54] [0] Starting Microsoft Exchange 2007 Setup
[2010-9-9 11:10:54] [0] **********************************************
[2010-9-9 11:10:54] [0] Setup version: 8.0.685.25.
[2010-9-9 11:10:54] [0] Logged on user: TJELCEE\Administrator.
[2010-9-9 11:10:54] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='nologo', Value=''.
[2010-9-9 11:10:54] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='preparead', Value=''.
[2010-9-9 11:10:54] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='organizationname', Value='CN=tjelcee-server'.
[2010-9-9 11:10:54] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='sourcedir', Value='D:\Microsoft Exchange Server 2007'.
[2010-9-9 11:10:54] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='fromsetup', Value=''.
[2010-9-9 11:10:54] [0] ExSetup was started with the following command: '/NoLogo /preparead /organizationname:tjelcee-server /sourcedir:D:\Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 /FromSetup'.
[2010-9-9 11:10:55] [0] Setup is choosing the domain controller to use
[2010-9-9 11:10:55] [0] Setup is choosing a local domain controller...
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] [ERROR] Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active Directory: Active Directory 服务器 tjelcee-server.tjelcee.local 不可用。错误消息: 出现本地错误。
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] [ERROR] Active Directory server tjelcee-server.tjelcee.local is not available. Error message: 出现本地错误。
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] [ERROR] 出现本地错误。
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Setup will use the domain controller ''.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Setup will use the global catalog ''.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] No Exchange configuration container was found for the organization. Message: 'Active Directory 服务器 tjelcee-server.tjelcee.local 不可用。错误消息: 出现本地错误。'.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] The following roles are unpacked:
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] The following roles are installed:
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] The local server does not have any Exchange files installed.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Setup will use the path 'D:\Microsoft Exchange Server 2007' for installing Exchange.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] The server is cluster type: 'None'.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] The requested cluster type: 'None'.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] The installation mode is set to: 'Install'.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Setting organization name to 'tjelcee-server'.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Active Directory Initialization status : 'False'.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Schema Update Required Status : 'False'.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Organization Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Domain Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Applying default role selection state
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] The command-line option preparead has been specified.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Because the command-line option preparead was specified, setup is adding the argument PrepareOrganization.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Because the command-line option preparead was specified, setup is adding the argument PrepareDomain.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value tjelcee-server.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Setup will run from path 'D:\Microsoft Exchange Server 2007\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 1 DataHandlers
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] RootDataHandler has 1 DataHandlers
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] No server roles will be installed
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Validating options for the 0 requested roles
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] The command-line option preparead has been specified.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Because the command-line option preparead was specified, setup is adding the argument PrepareOrganization.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Because the command-line option preparead was specified, setup is adding the argument PrepareDomain.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value tjelcee-server.
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] **************
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [0] Setup will run the task 'test-setuphealth'
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [1] Setup launched task 'test-setuphealth -DomainController $null -DownloadConfigurationUpdates $true -ExchangeVersion '8.0.685.25' -Roles 'Global' -ScanType 'PrecheckInstall' -SetupRoles 'Global' -PrepareDomain $null -PrepareOrganization $true -ADInitError 'Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active Directory: Active Directory 服务器 tjelcee-server.tjelcee.local 不可用。错误消息: 出现本地错误。'' 
[2010-9-9 11:11:00] [1] Beginning processing.
[2010-9-9 11:11:16] [1] [ERROR] Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active Directory: Active Directory 服务器 tjelcee-server.tjelcee.local 不可用。错误消息: 出现本地错误。
[2010-9-9 11:11:16] [1] Ending processing.
[2010-9-9 11:11:16] [0] End of Setup
[2010-9-9 11:11:16] [0] **********************************************
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