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[求助]setup CCR seccessfully, but can't be verified by get [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2011-01-17
Set up CCR on Exchange 2007 SP3 + win2003 SP2 + VMs successfully. Here, node1: Ex-10-171; node2: Ex-10-172; DC: dc2.test.local. All of them are in my LAN.
Both nodes can not be verified by get-exchange command. The error message said “The operation could not be performed because object ‘ex-10-171’ could be found on domain controller ‘dc2.test.local’ ”.

Double check the DC and DNS, also nslookup on node1 and node2, all of them no problem.

Then, Hub Transport on another VM passes the verified.Please watch the picture.
What is the problem?

Now, I try to send/receive Email by outlook 2003 succefully.

[ 此帖被georgeyu100在2011-01-17 13:12重新编辑 ]

只看该作者 1楼  发表于: 2011-01-17
Re:setup CCR seccessfully,
Hi George,

As far as I know, since the CCR is enabled for Ex-10-171 and Ex-10-172, the single node name cannot be recognized in EMC or EMS. They use the cluster name instead. You can only view these objects in Cluster Administrator.

You can view the mailbox server(as a CCR group) in EMC, under Server Configuration->Mailbox or run in the EMS:
Get-ExchangeServer | Where-Object {$_.ServerRole -match 'Mailbox'}
to get the Mailbox servers.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any other puzzles.

Best Regards,
只看该作者 2楼  发表于: 2011-01-17
回 1楼(flowerwaiter) 的帖子
I see!
I try to do get-exchangeserver MailCRR successfully and only doing get-exchangeserver get both hub transport and MailCRR, too.

Thank you very much!
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