# The sample scripts are not supported under any Microsoft standard support
# program or service. The sample scripts are provided AS IS without warranty
# of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, without
# limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular
# purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample scripts
# and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, or
# anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable
# for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business
# profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss)
# arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample scripts or documentation,
# even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages
# 1. Get list of recipient policies
# 2. Loop through the email addresses in each policy
# 3. Add each address to either the auth or non-auth array
# 4. Compare each list and point out differences
function GetRecipientPolicies()
$Searcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
$Searcher.Filter = "(objectClass=msExchRecipientPolicy)"
$Searcher.SearchRoot = $rootDN
$PolicyList = $Searcher.FindAll()
foreach($Policy in $PolicyList)
if($debug){write-host ("Processing Policy - " + $Policy.properties.cn) -ForeGroundColor Green}
function AddPoliciesToHashTable($Policy)
#Loop through each proxy address in gatewayProxy
ForEach($Proxy in $Policy.properties.gatewayproxy)
if($debug){write-host " Processing Proxy" $Proxy.ToString().ToLower()}
#if the address is an SMTP address, check against non-authoritative policy list
if($Policy.properties.msexchnonauthoritativedomains.Count -gt 0)
#non-authoritative policies exist on this policy object, add them to the non-authoritative list
#loop through each non-auth domain and check
ForEach($NonAuthDomain in $Policy.properties.msexchnonauthoritativedomains)
#non-authoritative domain exists
if ($Proxy.ToString().ToLower() -eq $NonAuthDomain.ToString().ToLower())
#add to non-authoritative domain list
if(-not $NonAuthoritativeDomainsList.Contains($Proxy.ToString() + "," + $Policy.properties.cn))
#need to remove it from Auth list first since it is now a non-Auth domain
if($AuthoritativeDomainsList.Contains($Proxy.ToString() + "," + $Policy.properties.cn))
$AuthoritativeDomainsList.Remove($Proxy.ToString().ToLower() + "," + $Policy.properties.cn)
if($debug){write-host (" Removing " + $Proxy.ToString().ToLower() + " from Authoritative Proxy List") -ForeGroundColor Green}
if($debug){write-host (" Adding " + $Proxy.ToString().ToLower() + " to Non-Authoritative Proxy List") -ForeGroundColor Green}
$NonAuthoritativeDomainsList.Add($Proxy.ToString().ToLower() + "," + $Policy.properties.cn, $Policy.properties.cn)
#already in non-authoritative list
if($debug){write-host (" Proxy " + $Proxy.ToString().ToLower() + " already exists in the Non-Authoritative Proxy List") -ForeGroundColor Yellow}
#authoritative policies exist as well on this policy, add them to authoritative list
if(-not $AuthoritativeDomainsList.Contains($Proxy.ToString().ToLower() + "," + $Policy.properties.cn) -and -not $NonAuthoritativeDomainsList.Contains($Proxy.ToString().ToLower() + "," + $Policy.properties.cn))
if($debug){write-host (" Adding " + $Proxy.ToString().ToLower() + " to Authoritative Proxy List") -ForeGroundColor Green}
$AuthoritativeDomainsList.Add($Proxy.ToString().ToLower() + "," + $Policy.properties.cn, $Policy.properties.cn)
#already in Authoritative list
if($debug){write-host (" Proxy " + $Proxy.ToString().ToLower() + " already exists in the Authoritative Proxy List") -ForeGroundColor Yellow}
#no non-authoritative policies exist, add smtp proxy to the authoritative list
if(-not $NonAuthoritativeDomainsList.Contains($Proxy.ToString() + "," + $Policy.properties.cn))
if(-not $AuthoritativeDomainsList.Contains($Proxy.ToString() + "," + $Policy.properties.cn))
if($debug){write-host (" Adding " + $Proxy.ToString().ToLower() + " to Authoritative Proxy List") -ForeGroundColor Green}
$AuthoritativeDomainsList.Add($Proxy.ToString().ToLower() + "," + $Policy.properties.cn, $Policy.properties.cn)
#Item already exists in the Authoritative Proxy List
if($debug){write-host (" Proxy " + $Proxy.ToString().ToLower() + " already exists in the Authoritative Proxy List") -ForeGroundColor Yellow}
#non-SMTP proxy, log and continue
if($debug){write-host (" Skipping " + $Proxy.ToString() + " - Proxy is not an SMTP Proxy type") -ForeGroundColor Yellow}
function WriteOutput()
#write authoritative domain results
write-host ("Total Authoritative Domains - " + $AuthoritativeDomainsList.Count) -ForeGroundColor Green
ForEach($item in $AuthoritativeDomainsList.Keys)
write-host " Domain:" $item.Split(',')[0] " Policy:" $AuthoritativeDomainsList.Item($item)
#write non-authoritative domain results
write-host ("Total Non-Authoritative Domains - " + $NonAuthoritativeDomainsList.Count) -ForeGroundColor Green
ForEach($item in $NonAuthoritativeDomainsList.Keys)
write-host " Domain:" $item.Split(',')[0] " Policy:" $NonAuthoritativeDomainsList.Item($item)
function CompareLists()
$errorCount = 0
ForEach($item in $AuthoritativeDomainsList.Keys)
ForEach($nonauthitem in $NonAuthoritativeDomainsList.Keys)
if($item.ToString().Split(',')[0].ToLower() -eq $nonauthitem.ToString().Split(',')[0].ToLower())
$errorAuth = " Authoritative in policy " + $AuthoritativeDomainsList.Item($item)
$errorOutput += " Non-Authoritative in policy " + $NonAuthoritativeDomainsList.Item($nonauthitem) + "`r`n"
#write-host ("Found conflicting domain " + $item.ToString().Split(',')[0].ToLower()) -ForeGroundColor Red
#write-host (" Authoritative in policy " + $AuthoritativeDomainsList.Item($item)) -ForeGroundColor Red
#write-host (" Non-Authoritative in policy " + $NonAuthoritativeDomainsList.Item($nonauthitem)) -ForeGroundColor Red
if($errorOutput.Length -gt 0)
write-host ("`r`nFound conflicting domain " + $item.ToString().Split(',')[0].ToLower()) -ForeGroundColor Red
write-host $errorAuth -ForeGroundColor Red
write-host $errorOutput -ForeGroundColor Red
$errorOutput = $null
if($errorCount -eq 0)
write-host ("`r`nNo conflicting domains found") -ForeGroundColor Green
$AuthoritativeDomainsList = @{}
$NonAuthoritativeDomainsList = @{}
$Searcher = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$Root = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("GC://rootDSE")
$rootDN = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + $Root.configurationNamingContext)