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[求助]做了DAG后,可以启用循环日志吗? [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2011-05-07


只看该作者 1楼  发表于: 2011-05-08
m你可以enable circular loggine,一般情况下不会影响DAG的使用
但是microsoft 不推荐enable circular logging~
DAG 的复制是基于transaction log
只看该作者 2楼  发表于: 2011-05-09
回 1楼(sungod8) 的帖子
[ 此帖被wangcanliuyy在2011-05-09 13:04重新编辑 ]

只看该作者 3楼  发表于: 2011-05-09
2点,以下内容摘录之官网,第一点,我们必须先disable circular logging 然后才能创建DATABASE COPIES, 第二点解释了在DAG环境中circular logging的原理和不同之处。
1.  If circular logging is enabled, you must first disable it. After the mailbox database copy has been added, circular logging can be enabled
2. To prevent a buildup of log files, you enable circular logging for your replicated databases. When you combine circular logging with continuous replication, you have a new type of circular logging called continuous replication circular logging (CRCL), which is different from ESE circular logging. Whereas ESE circular logging is performed and managed by the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service, CRCL is performed and managed by the Microsoft Exchange Replication Service. When enabled, ESE circular logging does not generate additional log files and instead overwrites the current log file when needed. However, in a continuous replication environment, log files are needed for log shipping and replay. As a result, when you enable CRCL, the current log file is not overwritten and closed log files are generated for the log shipping and replay process.

Specifically, the Microsoft Exchange Replication Service manages CRCL so that log continuity is maintained and logs are not deleted if they are still needed for replication. The Microsoft Exchange Replication Service and the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service communicate by using remote procedure calls (RPCs) regarding which log files can be deleted.

只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2011-05-09
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只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2011-05-11
回 4楼(opop) 的帖子
那我的情况是这样的,做好了DAG(data copyies)后,过了几天发现日志增长的速度太快了,被逼启用的循环日志,这样会不会有问题呢,因为不是首先启用循环日志,在做data copyies
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