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[求助]怎样大批量删除用户邮件!! [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2012-07-02
今天真郁闷, 删了一天的邮件,  昨天有一应用服务器出现问题,狂发邮件,很多人收到了50万封邮件左右,  很苦恼、现在用户web邮箱也登不了。
outlook也不能收,要收估计到哪一年去了, MD 。50多万封,当我邮件服务器是垃圾啊。现在在服务器上删除也没删掉, 有什么规则可以让这个发件人
只看该作者 1楼  发表于: 2012-07-03
Try this command.

Get-Mailbox -Identity “UserMailbox To Search” | Search-Mailbox -SearchQuery subject:”This email is SPAM!”,from:”dirtyspammer@spam.com” -TargetMailbox “Mailbox to put search results into” -TargetFolder “A folder in that mailbox”

只看该作者 2楼  发表于: 2012-07-03
回 1楼(wilsonhoe) 的帖子
wilsonhoe:Try this command.
Get-Mailbox -Identity “UserMailbox To Search” | Search-Mailbox -SearchQuery subject:”This email is SPAM!”,from:”dirtyspammer@spam.com” -TargetMailbox “Mailbox to put search results into” -TargetFolder “A folder in th .. (2012-07-03 09:30) 

没有用的,因为邮件太多了50多万封,很慢, 根据主题、或者发件人。。都试过。先暂时删除用户邮箱,然后新建邮箱连接该用户。
只看该作者 3楼  发表于: 2012-07-03
if it is the same sender, just create a transport rule and drop all his incoming mail.

只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2012-07-03
回 3楼(wilsonhoe) 的帖子
wilsonhoe:if it is the same sender, just create a transport rule and drop all his incoming mail.  (2012-07-03 10:14) 

嗯、 这样是可以的, 但是他们的服务器需要监控,如果连接失败就要发报警邮件,所以不能全部拒绝该发件人发邮件的, 只需达到一定程度禁止发送邮件。。在Exchange2007估计做不到吧,
只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2012-07-03
erm... unless you can guess the spam text pattern, then you can drop the mail using transport rules.
but exchange 2007 is not that intellegent enough to drop such mail.

My environment use IPS (Intrusion prevention systems ), such as mailmarshal and sophos to block
such mail. it is much better and efficient. Install this on your mail gateway.

只看该作者 6楼  发表于: 2012-07-03
回 5楼(wilsonhoe) 的帖子
wilsonhoe:erm... unless you can guess the spam text pattern, then you can drop the mail using transport rules.
but exchange 2007 is not that intellegent enough to drop such mail.
My environment use IPS (Intrusion prevention systems ), such as mailmarshal and sophos t .. (2012-07-03 11:16) 

至于IPS的话, 我们也有类似于的垃圾邮件网关,但是该发件人属于内部,使用特殊端口,不经过邮件网关,所以很纠结!!!
只看该作者 7楼  发表于: 2012-07-03
Trasport rule does not have count on the email sent, only the logs has the count. so it is not possible
to put condition in 500 mails. the best i believe is talk to user and check his computer, i believe it
maybe a schedule taks to trigger email or the spam is trojan, and it is dangerous, it will jeopardy
your mail server easily. Good luck to you. Act fast before it is too late.

只看该作者 8楼  发表于: 2012-07-04
回 7楼(wilsonhoe) 的帖子
wilsonhoe:Trasport rule does not have count on the email sent, only the logs has the count. so it is not possible
to put condition in 500 mails. the best i believe is talk to user and check his computer, i believe it
maybe a schedule taks to trigger email or the spam i ..(2012-07-03 13:30)嬀/color]

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