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[其它讨论]微软将在十月一号结束MCSM/MCA认证 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2013-09-09
微软总部在八月30日宣布,将在今年十月一日结束MCSM(MicrosoftCertified Solutions Master)以及MCA(MicrosoftCertified Architect

“We are contacting you to letyou know we are making a change to the Microsoft Certified Master, MicrosoftCertified Solutions Master, and Microsoft Certified Architect certifications.As technology changes so do Microsoft certifications and as such, we arecontinuing to evolve the Microsoft certification program. Microsoft will nolonger offer Masters and Architect level training rotations and will beretiring the Masters level certification exams as of October 1, 2013. The ITindustry is changing rapidly and we will continue to evaluate the certificationand training needs of the industry to determine if there’s a differentcertification needed for the pinnacle of our program.”
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