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[求助]Outlook2010 收邮件日志同步问题 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2013-12-18


只看该作者 1楼  发表于: 2013-12-19
只看该作者 2楼  发表于: 2013-12-20
我也这么想 但是领导看到这同步日志总觉得有问题 那咋办

只看该作者 3楼  发表于: 2013-12-23
回 cisco1181788 的帖子
cisco1181788:我也这么想 但是领导看到这同步日志总觉得有问题 那咋办 (2013-12-20 12:49)嬀/color]


只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2013-12-26
The errors that are described in the "Symptoms" section are logged if either of the following conditions is true:
  • The item that is being deleted no longer exists on your Exchange mailbox, or the item was already deleted from the mailbox.
  • The Exchange server cannot delete the requested item.

In most cases, a warning is logged when the item no longer exists on the Exchange mailbox. In these cases, the warning can be ignored.

In rare cases, the warning may be logged because the Exchange Server actually cannot delete an item. In these rare cases, you may be able to connect to your Exchange Server mailbox by using Microsoft Outlook Web App to determine whether the item remains in the mailbox.

Contact Microsoft Support Services if you need help in the following situations:
  • You cannot delete the item by using Outlook Web App.
  • You cannot delete the item when you are connected to your Exchange Server mailbox by using Outlook, and the Exchange account is configured in Online mode.
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