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[分享]Exchange 2013 SP1将于近期发布 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2014-01-21
MVP独家:Exchange 2013 SP1将于2月11日发布,尽管本周内测版将达到15.00.0847.026的版本号,SP1的版本号将定位在15.00.0847。同期将微软将发布Exchange 2010 SP3 RU5以及Exchange 2007 SP3 RU13。
KB 描述
2860242 HTML message lostHTML format after saving the message
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2925281 RpcOverHttpServicelet restamps vdir config on every run, resulting in AppDomain Leak inAppPools
2925544 ExternalURL valueconfigured on ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory is not preserved during build to buildupgrade of CAS+Mailbox installation
2927708 New resourcesmailboxes created via EAC do not have the "automatically update emailaddresses..." checked
2927709 When admin logs on toEAC and then signs out, the window display as OWA logon window

本帖提到的人: @opop
只看该作者 1楼  发表于: 2014-03-05
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