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[分享]Outlook Contacts 和 Exchange的GAL的同步需求 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼  发表于: 2016-07-19

实际情况呢,无论用户什么协议连到exchange服务器. outlook -> contacts 都是空的
然后会发生什么事情呢, 如果员工信息发生变化,如手机更换,离职,新增.  
exchange-> global address list 是最新的.但是outlook->contacts不是最新的.

1.手动同步, 切开outlook通讯薄  列出服务器上的联系人  "添加到" "联系人"
2.我手里有一个excel文件,如果你将人事的数据根据格式粘贴到表格中. 员工接收文件后点击按扭更新outlook"联系人" ( office 2016 已失效)
3.Outlook Social Connector  同步, office 2016 已失效.
只看该作者 1楼  发表于: 2016-07-19

Social Networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook no longer support syncing their contacts via Social Connector Providers to Office 365, so this feature is removed from Outlook 2016. We don’t have any schedule or plan regarding adding the feature back. Your understanding is highly appreciated.

  说停就停了. 反正.他们也一直都这么干的. 一会取消,一会加回来.

Actually, for SharePoint Online Contacts App, we have the build-in feature to sync the contact lists to Outlook. Here are the steps:
Go to the site which contains the contact lists.
Click the list > click List on the top bar > Connect to Outlook.
A pop up window should appear to ask whether you want to open Microsoft Outlook. C lick OK.
Then a pop up window will also appear in Outlook. Users will be prompt for the credential of their Office 365 accounts.
After inputting the credentials, Outlook will start to sync the contact list.

SharePoint Online Contacts App   注意看online这个字眼. 意味着授权要花钱.   

只看该作者 2楼  发表于: 2017-01-02
Contacts 是个人联系人,当然不能像 GAL 那样了。
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